Hi, I'm goccy 😃
I love OSS developing. Let me introduce the open software projects I have developed so far.
go-json: Fast JSON encoder/decoder compatible with encoding/json for Go
go-yaml: YAML support for the Go language (developed this from scratch with the goal of creating a better library than go-yaml/yaml)
go-graphviz: Go bindings for Graphviz
bigquery-emulator: BigQuery emulator server implemented in Go
go-zetasqlite: A database driver library that interprets ZetaSQL queries and runs them using SQLite3
go-zetasql: Go bindings for ZetaSQL
kubetest: A CLI for distributed execution of tasks on Kubernetes
kubejob: A library for managing Kubernetes Job in Go
kpoward: Kubernetes Port Fowarding utility library for Go
binarian: BinaryHack library for Gopher
rebirth: Supports live reloading for Go
grpc-federation: Generates a gRPC server by writing a custom option in Protocol Buffers
vitess-sqlparser: Simply SQL and DDL parser for Go (powered by vitess and TiDB )
rapidash: Go package for the database record or other data caching
octillery: Go package for sharding databases
eevee: Generate model, repository, dao sources for Go application
- pixi-after-effests: Play AfterEffects animation by pixi.js
- Compiler::Lexer: Lexical Analyzer for Perl5
- Compiler::Parser: Create Abstract Syntax Tree for Perl5
- Compiler::CodeGenerator::LLVM: Create LLVM IR for Perl5
- Compiler::Tools::Transpiler: Transpile Perl5 code to JavaScript code
- Compiler::Tools::CopyPasteDetector: Detect Copy and Paste of Perl5 codes
- Test::AutoGenerator: Automatically generates Perl5 test code
- App::Ikaros: Distributed testing framework for Jenkins
- PerlMotion: PerlMotion is a toolchain for iOS and OS X development using the Perl5 programming language
- RecordKit: Record or stream video from the screen, and audio from the app and microphone