Hi Gophers! Unfortunately, I don't have the time to maintain this library right now, so I can't add any features. I'll gladly accept pull requests if you're interested. Also, if you'd like to maintaining the library longer term, I'm also happy to welcome you as a contributor. If you're interested in either submitting a PR or being a longer term maintainer, please let me know on the Gophers Slack. My username there is arschles
This repository is dedicated to parsing a JSON string into an abstract syntax tree (AST).
Based on the following Scala libraries:
Beware: it is pre-alpha and a major work in progress!
type Address struct {
StreetNum int
StreetName string
City string
State string
GateCode int
val := jsonast.Parse(`{
"street_name": "Microsoft Way",
"city": "Redmond",
"state": "WA",
"other_info": {
"needs_signature": false,
"gate_codes": ["abcd", "efgh"]
walked := jsonast.NewWalker(val).
Field("state").Validate(func(v Value) bool {
str, ok := v.(jsonast.String)
if !ok {
return false
// only accept the JSON if the state has a coast on the pacific
// ocean
return str.String() == "AK" ||
str.String() == "WA" ||
str.String() == "OR" ||
str.String() == "CA"
if transformer.Err() != nil {
// walked now has the following fields in the following properties:
// - .Strings has 3 jsonast.String values (street_name, city, state)
// - .Numbers has 2 jsonast.Number values (street_num, other_info.gate_codes[0])
// you can now create an Address from these fields
address := Address{
StreetNum: walked.Numbers[0],
StreetName: walked.Strings[0],
City: walked.Strings[1],
State: walked.Strings[2],
GateCode: walked.Numbers[1],