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KirtiGautam edited this page Oct 5, 2019 · 2 revisions

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File Whereabouts

  • Modify database username and password, mail-driver and other email related connections, etc. are included in .env file. Modify it according to your needs.

  • The artisan file is used for managing the local server.

  • The main files including layouts for UI. Path-> resources/views/layouts

  • The main file for the dashboard is present in resources/views/dashboard

  • The main file for the employee management is present in resources/views/employees

  • The file for footer and side navigations are present in resources/views/inc

What is Laravel ?

Laravel is a popular PHP framework, used for the development of MVC web applications.Laravel is a popular PHP framework, used for the development of MVC web applications.Laravel is a popular PHP framework, used for the development of MVC web applications.


  • It can be used by the colleges/universities for employee's database management.

  • This Application is based on php Laravel, Materialize-css version 1.0.0 alpha-4 , material icons.


php, laravel, lamp, mysql.


  • make sure you already have xampp or wamp installed if you are on windows machine, mamp for mac , and lamp for linux.

  • clone this repository to your local machine or just download the zip.

  • install Composer first, then run this command in your command-line (you should be inside your project directory).

  composer install
  • rename .env.example to .env and add your database and mail driver credentials.

  • generate application key.

    php artisan key:generate
  • create database tables.
    php artisan migrate
  • create a default admin and genders.
    php artisan db:seed
  • clear config (only if you make changes to .env file and restart the server if you are using laravel dev server).
    php artisan config:clear
  • Link the storage folder for images.
    php artisan storage:link
  • Start the development server.
    php artisan serve

In Laravel, all the requests are directed to index.php in public directory so, please use a Virtual Host instead of opening it from http://localhost/your-laravel-project/public (It doesn't work that way).