This is a old project from 2007. It most likely does not work anymore
Old readme: This plugin allows you to control the counter strike source bots more easly, you can have them them automaticly keep the server populated. You can have bots automaticly killed when all the human players are dead, and any changes can be made in the bot menu
Usage: admin_botmenu
For the menu to work you need to have a admin plugin that supports the AdminInterface .
Cvars: csb_autokill - If bots should be auto killed when no human players are alive csb_autoadd - What the minimum amount of players are, if player count is bellow this bots are automaticly added
These cvars can be added to any .cfg file, like server.cfg
Remember, if you want bots on the server with human players. Change the cvar bot_join_after_player 0
Download: ( Docs on how to install in addons\csbotc\docs )
Oringal place of home.