NeosVR-Headless-WebUI is a web dashboard that allows you to monitor and control one or several NeosVR headless clients simultaneously. The backend is powered by Flask and uses rpyc to communicate with headless clients remotely using NeosVR-Headless-API.
Click here to see more screenshots.
- Monitor total number of headless clients, sessions, and users
- Attractive administrative interface allowing you to perform most headless client actions
- Search for users across all headless client sessions
- Frozen headless client detection - allows you to kill stuck headless clients or restart them in place
- Multi user login and access
- Run and control headless clients on remote machines
You can get started quickly by running the web app as a Docker container (easier) or by manually setting everything up yourself (more difficult and currently undocumented). See the wiki for installation and configuration steps. The Docker image can be used to control headless clients that are not containerized as well.
This project uses the GNU GPLv3 license.