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ROS package that collects data from RGB-D Realsense camera and stores it in a SLAM dataset format

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ROS package that collects and synchronizes data from following sensors: RGB-D Realsense camera, IMU and VICON motion camera system in order to create SLAM datasets. The package stores the data in a rosbag and it also can convert the rosbag in a SLAM dataset format, such as TUM dataset.
The synchorinization node works only if each topic have content.


This package was tested using:

  1. ROS-melodic and Ubuntu18.04.
  2. ROS-noetic and Ubuntu20.04.

Install Realsense camera package

install the realsense-viewer at :

Run the following commands to install the dependencies:

sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-realsense2-camera
sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-openni-launch
mkdir rosbag image_dataset

After installed the dependencies and finish the compilation, make the following edits to the file:/opt/ros/melodic/share/realsense2_camera/launch/rs_rgbd.launch

  1. edit the "depth_width", "depth_height" of the depth image for 640,480 respectively.
  2. edit the "color_width", "color_height" of the rgb image for 640,480 respectively.
  3. edit the "color_fps" of the image for 30
  4. edit the "depth_fps" of the depth for 30

Run sensor synching executable

The synching executable can be run with the following command
On a terminal run:

roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_rgbd.launch

In a another terminal:

roslaunch slam_dataset_rospkg slam_rosbag_sync.launch

Create the rosbag

Once the synching executable is running, the following topics will be created


Run the following command in another terminal to start recording the rosbag

rosbag record -O slam_dataset.bag /camera/color/image_raw_sync /camera/depth/image_rect_raw_sync /imu/imu_sync /vicon/pose_sync

Run SLAM image dataset executable

This executable can be used standalone to collect synched data from realsense RGB-D camera or can convert the image data from the rosbag. You might need to have the topic names at the src/collect_sync.cpp depending on your system. To run it standalone, run in a terminal the realsense camera launch:

roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_rgbd.launch

And on another terminal run the data collection package, if you don't provide the dataset path the system will store the data on the current folder:

rosrun slam_dataset_rospkg collect_sync _dataset_path:=[DST_DATASET_PATH]

To convert a rosbag, run the rosbag play command:

rosbag play <PATH TO ROSBAG>

And run the same command in another terminal:

rosrun slam_dataset_rospkg collect_sync _param:=[DST_DATASET_PATH]

Run image dataset executable with roslaunch

To run the package with camera visualization in parallel to the data acquisition, execute the following command:

roslaunch slam_dataset_rospkg slam_image_dataset.launch

Ground Truth extraction

To create a text file with the robots trajectory from a motion camera system, run the following command. You will need a terminal with roscore running and another terminal with your rosbag running as well. This will create a txt file with name ground_truth.txt

rosrun slam_dataset_rospkg gt_extractor _topic:=<topic Name>

Extract pose from T265

To create a text file with the robots trajectory from a RealSense T265, run the following command. You will need a terminal with roscore running and another terminal with your rosbag running as well. This will create a txt file with name t265_odom.txt

rosrun slam_dataset_rospkg t265_odom _topic:=<topic Name>

Vision Tools nodes

Some useful image nodes for debugging

Image size

this will show the image and print the image size

rosrun slam_dataset_rospkg image_size_subscriber _image_topic:=<TOPIC NAME>

Depth size

this will show the depth image and print the image size

rosrun slam_dataset_rospkg depth_size_subscriber _image_topic:=<TOPIC NAME>

Crop image

from an input image topic, it will create a cropped image topic

rosrun slam_dataset_rospkg crop_image _center_x:=INT _center_y:=INT _crop_width:=INT _crop_height:=INT


ROS package that collects data from RGB-D Realsense camera and stores it in a SLAM dataset format






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