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Gindemit Konstantin edited this page May 12, 2023 · 1 revision

Welcome to Unity Lottie Animation Plugin Wiki

This wiki serves as a comprehensive guide to the Unity Lottie Animation Plugin, a powerful Unity library that allows you to play Lottie animations as Texture2D in your Unity projects. The plugin simplifies the integration of complex animations in your games or applications, using Samsung's rlottie library to render animations exported in the bodymovin JSON format.

Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Supported Platforms
  3. Installation
  4. Quick Start Guide
  5. Example Usage
  6. Additional Examples
  7. Support
  8. Credits
  9. License


The Unity Lottie Animation Plugin offers:

  • The ability to play Lottie animations as Texture2D in Unity
  • Easy integration and usage
  • High performance and low memory footprint
  • Compatibility with Unity 2019.4 and later

Supported Platforms

The plugin supports:

  • Android
  • iOS
  • Windows
  • OSX
  • Linux


To install the Unity Lottie Animation Plugin, follow the steps outlined here.

Quick Start Guide

Our quick start guide will walk you through the steps to start using the AnimatedImage class in your Unity project. It covers importing the class, creating a RawImage, assigning parameters, and controlling the animation at runtime. Check it out here.

Example Usage

We provide an example of how to use the AnimatedImage class here. This example script, when attached to the same GameObject as the AnimatedImage component, will start the animation when the game starts and stop it when the GameObject is disabled.

Additional Examples

For more examples, check out the 'Scene UI' Sample in the Unity Package Manager. Detailed steps can be found here.


If you encounter any issues or have questions, feel free to create an issue on GitHub.


The Unity Lottie Animation Plugin is built on top of Samsung's rlottie library, which is used internally for Lottie animation rendering.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. More details can be found here.