8.9.0 (2024-10-19)
You can now provide a Custom Pagination Component (Aurelia) instead of the default built-in Pagination
- see the new Example 42
- allow providing a Custom Pagination Component (#1275) (247aa56) - by @ghiscoding
Bug Fixes
- deps: update Aurelia 2.Beta 22 (#1270) (7d8ae06) - by @ghiscoding
- improve project exports & types (3786f34) - by @ghiscoding
- Row Detail redraw all Views when GridMenu/ColPicker columns changes (#1277) (8f549b0) - by @ghiscoding
- Revert "fix: redraw all open row details whenever the grid is re-rendered (#1…" (#1276) (8527bb2), closes #1 #1276 - by @ghiscoding
Please remember that all packages of @slickgrid-universal
) and Aurelia-Slickgrid
) must be updated at the same time and they will always get bumped on the same day to avoid any upgrade issues. You can also consult the Versions Compatibility Table - Wiki
also remember that Slickgrid-Universal monorepo is where the biggest portion of the code exists (~90%), so most of the commits are now happening on that side.
- review the Slickgrid-Universal changelog
- and the Aurelia-Slickgrid changelog (above)