Multiple Features & Fixes
collection: support multiple filterBy/sortBy in CollectionService (#106 ) (86e8561 )
demo: add Dynamic Row CSS Styling example (bb7f757 / ab16a4e )
demo , click on the last button "Highlight rows with Duration over 50"
editor: add auto commit edit flag to grid options (#96 ) (6c9c197 ), closes #82
editor: pass Editor Args to Editor Custom Validators (#98 ) (27c7132 )
resize: add maxHeight & maxWidth options to resizer (#104 ) (547faa5 )
select: add option to use shorter label as selected text (#107 ) (8df592b )
filter: add posibility to filter complex objects (#100 ) (cfc5565 )
sort: add posibility to sort complex objects (#102 ) (ed6e729 )
select: Filter/Editor able to translate prefix/suffix/optionLabel (0732e53 )
Bug Fixes
autocommit: auto-commit should not save if field is invalid (#108 ) (dac989b )
chrome: Compensate incorrect SlickGrid measureScrollbar (24a1bfa )
chrome: patch horizontal scroll appearing only in Chrome (877f5a3 / e1ef209 )
editor: Select Editor should close when tabbing away, fixes #92 (#94 ) (f8f808c )
example: prerequisite prop should only use integer values, closes #95 (#97 ) (fddda24 )
export: Export should work with datasetIdPropertyName defined (#99 ) (fad2117 )
export: remove extra comma at the end of each line (501b779 )
header: hidding column from header menu after reordering column (88097ad )
header: use showHeaderRow flag when defined by user (#105 ) (d9ccdf2 )
http: remove aurelia-http-client dependency, closes #101 (#103 ) (f203b0f )
styling: remove black border bottom from column headers (3e42538 )
resize: autoAdjustDropWidthByTextSize should handle 100% width (c567f73 )
resize: when having 2 grids resize only works on 1 grid (5cf81e1 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.