Yufei Liu1,
Junwei Zhu 2,
Junshu Tang3,
Shijie Zhang 4,
Jiangning Zhang2,
Weijian Cao2,
Chengjie Wang2,
Yunsheng Wu2,
Dongjin Huang1*
1Shanghai University, 2Tencent Youtu Lab, 3Shanghai Jiao Tong University 4 Fudan University
[07/2024] TexDreamer is accepted to ECCV 2024!
We recommend using anaconda to manage the python environment. The setup commands below are provided for your reference.
git clone https://github.com/ggxxii/texdreamer.git
cd texdreamer
conda create -n texdreamer python=3.8
conda activate texdreamer
conda install pytorch==2.0.0 torchvision==0.15.0 torchaudio==2.0.0 pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia
pip install -r requirements.txt
Please also install xformers following: https://github.com/facebookresearch/xformers.git instructions.
You can find our model .zip from Huggingface
Put the downloaded models in the folder texdreamer_u128_t16_origin
. The folder structure should look like
├── ...
└── texdreamer_u128_t16_origin/
├── i2t
├── i2t_decoder.pth
├── i2uv
├── vision_encoder
└── i2t_decoder.pth
├── text_encoder
├── adapter_config.json
└── adapter_model.bin
├── unet
├── adapter_config.json
└── adapter_model.bin
We provide a txt file with 6 sample prompts. You can find it in data/sample_prompts.txt
. And the sample generation results are in output/t2uv
python infer_t2uv.py --lora_path texdreamer_u128_t16_origin --save_path output/t2uv --test_list data/sample_prompts.txt
Since we load stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1 from local files, you may need first download it and change 'cache_dir' in function 'get_lora_sd_pipeline'.
We provide some sample images from Market-1501 dataset. You can find it in data/input
. And the sample generation results are in output/i2uv
Of course you can also use your own images.
python infer_i2uv.py --lora_path texdreamer_u128_t16_origin --save_path output/i2uv --test_folder data/input
If you find our work useful for your research, please consider citing the paper:
title={Texdreamer: Towards zero-shot high-fidelity 3d human texture generation},
author={Liu, Yufei and Zhu, Junwei and Tang, Junshu and Zhang, Shijie and Zhang, Jiangning and Cao, Weijian and Wang, Chengjie and Wu, Yunsheng and Huang, Dongjin},
booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision},