Instructions We all know and love our favourite task management tool: Please create a test account on and a board. Go to this board, your now on "board" level.
- Please make a spreadsheet with Prio 1,2,3 functionalities for the "board" level functionality of trello (list does not need to be complete, use your own judgement, e.g. 5 to 10 points each)
- Detail out 4 test cases for the functionalities (should include two of the Prio 1 functionalities)
- Build a testing script in a language/framework of your choice for two of these test cases
- Provide the scripts as a repository bundle, including a documentation on how to set them up locally and execute them
- Provide test case documentation and describe your process (as a list of steps) shortly
- git clone git @
cd kloeckner-i-challenge
- install node v4.2.6 (or any higher version)
npm install
- In file "wdio.conf.js" select the desired browser :
browserName: 'firefox'
orbrowserName: 'chrome'
npm run e2e
- Used language/framework : JS/WebdriverIO-Jasmine
- Functionalities and test cases can be found in