This is a snapshot of our post-whitelist state of the service that handled whitelist. Tests are partially outdated (as well as some bits of documentation).
Code here is FYI only. It is not in use any more and all data related to the whitelist is now wiped from S3 and our servers.
- Obtain device fingerprint from Augur
- Submit KYC data
POST /v1/user {....}
->{"state": "<you need this>", "token": "<and this>", ....}
- Call
GET /v1/user
to check user's state. You're waiting forstate: "info_approved"
- Get link for image1:
POST /v1/upload {"filename": "...", "content_type": "...", "size": ...}
->{"put_url": "...", "id": "..."}
- Repeat for second image
- Upload images to S3
- Create ID package:
POST /v1/ids {"upload1": "<id from upload route>", ...}
->{"id": "...", ...}
- Submit package to verification:
POST /v1/ids/<id from ids route>/verify {}
-> get user status - That's it. From now on it's only checking user's status
Heaviest routes for us are /v1/ids
and /v1/ids/<id>/verify
as they pull data from s3 and submit it to IDM
Example response for user data:
{ "address": { "address_components": [ { "long_name": "Ashford Dunwoody Road Northeast", "short_name": "Ashford Dunwoody Rd NE", "types": [ "route" ] }, { "long_name": "Dunwoody", "short_name": "Dunwoody", "types": [ "locality", "political" ] }, { "long_name": "DeKalb County", "short_name": "Dekalb County", "types": [ "administrative_area_level_2", "political" ] }, { "long_name": "Georgia", "short_name": "GA", "types": [ "administrative_area_level_1", "political" ] }, { "long_name": "United States", "short_name": "US", "types": [ "country", "political" ] } ], "description": "Ashford Dunwoody Road Northeast, Dunwoody, GA, United States", "formatted_address": "Ashford Dunwoody Rd NE, Dunwoody, GA, USA", "latitude": 33.9302397, "longitude": -84.3373449, "name": "Ashford Dunwoody Road Northeast", "place_id": "EilBc2hmb3JkIER1bndvb2R5IFJkIE5FLCBEdW53b29keSwgR0EsIFVTQQ", "scope": "GOOGLE", "types": [ "route" ], "utc_offset": -300 }, "country_code": "AW", "dob": 1451862000, "email": "[email protected]", "eth_address": "1212121212121212121212121212121212121212", "eth_amount": 123.4, "eth_cap": null, "id": "5a74cd021ba9f80001ecfc7e", "name": "asfdsadf qwdfas", "phone": "12345678", "state": "info_verified", "token": "WyI1YTc0Y2QwMjFiYTlmODAwMDFlY2ZjN2UiXQ.fXvNabow5av7twL4THqQbX0eCps" }
POST /v1/user
schema = Schema({ 'name': All(Length(5, 30), str), 'email': Email(), 'dob': Coerce(to_datetime), # unix timestamp 'address': Coerce(to_addr), 'country_code': All(Length(2, 3), str), 'phone': All(Length(8, 20), str), 'eth_address': Coerce(to_eth), # ^(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$ 'eth_amount': All(Range(0, 100), float), 'telegram': Coerce(to_telegram), # ^@?(?P<name>[0-9a-z_]{5,25})$ 'confirmed_location': bool, # Should be True 'dfp': All(Length(10, 300), str), }, extra=REMOVE_EXTRA, required=True)
POST /v1/upload
schema = Schema({ 'filename': All(Length(3, 30), str), 'content_type': All(Length(5, 20), str), # gif or jpeg 'size': Range(400 * 1024, 4 * 1024 * 1024), # 400KB..4MB }, extra=REMOVE_EXTRA, required=True)
POST /v1/ids
schema = Schema({ 'upload1': Coerce(ObjectId), 'upload2': Coerce(ObjectId), 'doc_type': In(DOC_TYPES), # DL, PP, ID, RP, UB 'doc_country': All(Length(2, 2), str), Optional('doc_state', default=None): Any(None, All(Length(2, 20), str)), }, extra=REMOVE_EXTRA, required=True)