Release 1.1.0
Download for your mac from here
Please delete all the previous versions of AppBox before installing this and reconnect with your dropbox account. You need to reconnect your Dropbox account because Dropbox API v1 has been deprecated(#44) and we've moved to Dropbox API v2.
New in this release
- Updated Dropbox API to version2 from version1 #44
- Multiple email supported #39
- Added QR code for sharable links #38
- Added alert if user trying to close app and anything in process
- Disabling auto log scroll if user moving in up direction
- Extended AppBox menu with helps and separated account menu
- Added Dropbox space in account sections
Changes in Codebase
- Installed DroboxSDK with API v2 via cocoa pods
- Added ZXingObjC framework for QR code