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Merge pull request #241 from getappbox/v3.0
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vineetchoudhary authored May 3, 2022
2 parents f634ba3 + 1563094 commit 7a49982
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Showing 912 changed files with 74,190 additions and 38,318 deletions.
534 changes: 47 additions & 487 deletions AppBox.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion AppBox.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/AppBox.xcscheme
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
LastUpgradeVersion = "1200"
LastUpgradeVersion = "1330"
version = "1.3">
parallelizeBuildables = "YES"
Expand Down
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion AppBox/AppBox.entitlements
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion AppBox/AppBox.xcdatamodeld/.xccurrentversion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
<plist version="1.0">
60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions AppBox/AppBox.xcdatamodeld/AppBox4.xcdatamodel/contents
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<model type="" documentVersion="1.0" lastSavedToolsVersion="18154" systemVersion="20G95" minimumToolsVersion="Xcode 7.3" sourceLanguage="Objective-C" userDefinedModelVersionIdentifier="">
<entity name="AppBoxService" representedClassName="AppBoxService" syncable="YES">
<attribute name="accountAccessKey" optional="YES" attributeType="String" syncable="YES"/>
<attribute name="accountEmail" optional="YES" attributeType="String" syncable="YES"/>
<attribute name="accountId" optional="YES" attributeType="String" syncable="YES"/>
<attribute name="accountSecretKey" optional="YES" attributeType="String" syncable="YES"/>
<attribute name="baseURL" optional="YES" attributeType="String" syncable="YES"/>
<attribute name="name" optional="YES" attributeType="String" syncable="YES"/>
<relationship name="uploadRecords" optional="YES" toMany="YES" deletionRule="Nullify" destinationEntity="UploadRecord" inverseName="service" inverseEntity="UploadRecord" syncable="YES"/>
<entity name="Project" representedClassName="Project" syncable="YES">
<attribute name="bundleIdentifier" optional="YES" attributeType="String" syncable="YES"/>
<attribute name="name" optional="YES" attributeType="String" syncable="YES"/>
<relationship name="uploadRecords" optional="YES" toMany="YES" deletionRule="Cascade" ordered="YES" destinationEntity="UploadRecord" inverseName="project" inverseEntity="UploadRecord" syncable="YES"/>
<entity name="ProvisionedDevice" representedClassName="ProvisionedDevice" syncable="YES">
<attribute name="deviceId" optional="YES" attributeType="String" syncable="YES"/>
<entity name="ProvisioningProfile" representedClassName="ProvisioningProfile" syncable="YES">
<attribute name="buildType" optional="YES" attributeType="String" syncable="YES"/>
<attribute name="createDate" optional="YES" attributeType="Date" usesScalarValueType="NO" syncable="YES"/>
<attribute name="expirationDate" optional="YES" attributeType="Date" usesScalarValueType="NO" syncable="YES"/>
<attribute name="teamId" optional="YES" attributeType="String" syncable="YES"/>
<attribute name="teamName" optional="YES" attributeType="String" syncable="YES"/>
<attribute name="uuid" optional="YES" attributeType="String" syncable="YES"/>
<relationship name="provisionedDevices" optional="YES" toMany="YES" deletionRule="Nullify" ordered="YES" destinationEntity="ProvisionedDevice" syncable="YES"/>
<relationship name="uploadRecord" optional="YES" toMany="YES" deletionRule="Nullify" ordered="YES" destinationEntity="UploadRecord" inverseName="provisioningProfile" inverseEntity="UploadRecord" syncable="YES"/>
<entity name="UploadRecord" representedClassName="UploadRecord" syncable="YES">
<attribute name="build" optional="YES" attributeType="String" syncable="YES"/>
<attribute name="buildType" optional="YES" attributeType="String" syncable="YES"/>
<attribute name="datetime" optional="YES" attributeType="Date" usesScalarValueType="NO" syncable="YES"/>
<attribute name="dbAppInfoFullPath" optional="YES" attributeType="String" syncable="YES"/>
<attribute name="dbDirectroy" optional="YES" attributeType="String" syncable="YES"/>
<attribute name="dbFolderName" optional="YES" attributeType="String" syncable="YES"/>
<attribute name="dbIPAFullPath" optional="YES" attributeType="String" syncable="YES"/>
<attribute name="dbManifestFullPath" optional="YES" attributeType="String" syncable="YES"/>
<attribute name="dbSharedAppInfoURL" optional="YES" attributeType="String" syncable="YES"/>
<attribute name="dbSharedIPAURL" optional="YES" attributeType="String" syncable="YES"/>
<attribute name="dbSharedManifestURL" optional="YES" attributeType="String" syncable="YES"/>
<attribute name="keepSameLink" optional="YES" attributeType="Boolean" usesScalarValueType="NO" syncable="YES"/>
<attribute name="localBuildPath" optional="YES" attributeType="String" syncable="YES"/>
<attribute name="mailURL" optional="YES" attributeType="String" syncable="YES"/>
<attribute name="projectPath" optional="YES" attributeType="String" syncable="YES"/>
<attribute name="shortURL" optional="YES" attributeType="String" syncable="YES"/>
<attribute name="teamId" optional="YES" attributeType="String" syncable="YES"/>
<attribute name="version" optional="YES" attributeType="String" syncable="YES"/>
<relationship name="project" optional="YES" maxCount="1" deletionRule="Nullify" destinationEntity="Project" inverseName="uploadRecords" inverseEntity="Project" syncable="YES"/>
<relationship name="provisioningProfile" optional="YES" maxCount="1" deletionRule="Nullify" destinationEntity="ProvisioningProfile" inverseName="uploadRecord" inverseEntity="ProvisioningProfile" syncable="YES"/>
<relationship name="service" optional="YES" maxCount="1" deletionRule="Nullify" destinationEntity="AppBoxService" inverseName="uploadRecords" inverseEntity="AppBoxService" syncable="YES"/>
<element name="Project" positionX="-11914.72265625" positionY="-2547.59375" width="128" height="88"/>
<element name="ProvisionedDevice" positionX="-12258" positionY="-2493" width="128" height="58"/>
<element name="ProvisioningProfile" positionX="-12260" positionY="-2736" width="128" height="163"/>
<element name="UploadRecord" positionX="-12081.50537109375" positionY="-2809.529998779297" width="128" height="358"/>
<element name="AppBoxService" positionX="-12078.29156494141" positionY="-3003.159118652344" width="128" height="148"/>
9 changes: 1 addition & 8 deletions AppBox/AppBoxPrefixHeader.pch
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
#import <AppCenterAnalytics/AppCenterAnalytics.h>
#import <SAMKeychain/SAMKeychain.h>
#import <AFNetworking/AFNetworking.h>
#import <STPrivilegedTask/STPrivilegedTask.h>
#import <ObjectiveDropboxOfficial/ObjectiveDropboxOfficial.h>
#import <ABPrivate/ABPrivate.h>

Expand All @@ -31,32 +30,26 @@
#import "OtherServicesKeys.h"

#import "Common.h"
#import "XCHandler.h"
#import "UploadManager.h"
#import "MacHandler.h"
#import "MailHandler.h"
#import "SlackClient.h"
#import "HangoutClient.h"
#import "MSTeamsClient.h"
#import "TaskHandler.h"
#import "EventTracker.h"
#import "UpdateHandler.h"
#import "DBErrorHandler.h"
#import "NetworkHandler.h"
#import "KeychainHandler.h"
#import "CIProjectBuilder.h"
#import "KeychainHandler+Helper.h"
#import "NSApplication+MenuHandler.h"

#import "NSURL+URL.h"
#import "NSDate+Date.h"
#import "NSString+String.h"

#import "Teams+CoreDataProperties.h"
#import "Project+CoreDataProperties.h"
#import "CISetting+CoreDataProperties.h"
#import "UploadRecord+CoreDataProperties.h"
#import "AppBoxService+CoreDataProperties.h"
#import "ProvisionedDevice+CoreDataProperties.h"
#import "ProvisioningProfile+CoreDataProperties.h"

#endif /* AppBoxPrefixHeader_pch */
41 changes: 1 addition & 40 deletions AppBox/AppDelegate.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,18 +45,7 @@ - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
NSArray *arguments = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] arguments];
[ABLog log:@"All Command Line Arguments = %@",arguments];
for (NSString *argument in arguments) {
if ([argument containsString:abArgsWorkspace]) {
NSArray *components = [argument componentsSeparatedByString:abArgsWorkspace];
[ABLog log:@"Workspace Components = %@",components];
if (components.count == 2) {
[self handleProjectAtPath:[components lastObject]];
} else {
[self addSessionLog:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Invalid Workspace Argument %@",arguments]];
else if ([argument containsString:abArgsIPA]) {
if ([argument containsString:abArgsIPA]) {
NSArray *components = [argument componentsSeparatedByString:abArgsIPA];
[ABLog log:@"IPA Components = %@",components];
if (components.count == 2) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,34 +141,6 @@ -(void)handleGetURLWithEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor *)event andReply:(NSAppleEv

-(void)handleProjectAtPath:(NSString *)projectPath {
//get certificate
NSString *certInfoPath = [CIProjectBuilder isValidRepoForCertificateFileAtPath:projectPath];
[CIProjectBuilder installCertificateWithDetailsInFile:certInfoPath andRepoPath:projectPath];

//create project
NSString *settingPath = [CIProjectBuilder isValidRepoForSettingFileAtPath:projectPath Index:@0];
XCProject *project = [CIProjectBuilder xcProjectWithRepoPath:projectPath andSettingFilePath:settingPath];

//check project
if (project == nil) {
[self addSessionLog:@"AppBox can't able to create project model of this repo."];

//check if appbox is read to build
if (self.isReadyToBuild) {
[self addSessionLog:@"AppBox is ready to build."];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:abBuildRepoNotification object:project];
} else {
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserverForName:abAppBoxReadyToUseNotification object:nil queue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] usingBlock:^(NSNotification * _Nonnull note) {
[self addSessionLog:@"AppBox is ready to build. [Block]"];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:abBuildRepoNotification object:project];

-(void)handleIPAAtPath:(NSString *)ipaPath {
XCProject *project = [CIProjectBuilder xcProjectWithIPAPath:ipaPath];
if (self.isReadyToBuild) {
Expand Down
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
66 changes: 33 additions & 33 deletions AppBox/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,68 +1,68 @@
"images" : [
"size" : "16x16",
"filename" : "AppBox-9.png",
"idiom" : "mac",
"filename" : "iOSBetaTest-feature16.png",
"scale" : "1x"
"scale" : "1x",
"size" : "16x16"
"size" : "16x16",
"filename" : "AppBox-8.png",
"idiom" : "mac",
"filename" : "iOSBetaTest-feature32-1.png",
"scale" : "2x"
"scale" : "2x",
"size" : "16x16"
"size" : "32x32",
"filename" : "AppBox-7.png",
"idiom" : "mac",
"filename" : "iOSBetaTest-feature32.png",
"scale" : "1x"
"scale" : "1x",
"size" : "32x32"
"size" : "32x32",
"filename" : "AppBox-6.png",
"idiom" : "mac",
"filename" : "iOSBetaTest-feature64-1.png",
"scale" : "2x"
"scale" : "2x",
"size" : "32x32"
"size" : "128x128",
"filename" : "AppBox-5.png",
"idiom" : "mac",
"filename" : "iOSBetaTest-feature128.png",
"scale" : "1x"
"scale" : "1x",
"size" : "128x128"
"size" : "128x128",
"filename" : "AppBox-4.png",
"idiom" : "mac",
"filename" : "iOSBetaTest-feature256-257.png",
"scale" : "2x"
"scale" : "2x",
"size" : "128x128"
"size" : "256x256",
"filename" : "AppBox-3.png",
"idiom" : "mac",
"filename" : "iOSBetaTest-feature256-256.png",
"scale" : "1x"
"scale" : "1x",
"size" : "256x256"
"size" : "256x256",
"filename" : "AppBox-2.png",
"idiom" : "mac",
"filename" : "iOSBetaTest-feature512-2.png",
"scale" : "2x"
"scale" : "2x",
"size" : "256x256"
"size" : "512x512",
"filename" : "AppBox-1.png",
"idiom" : "mac",
"filename" : "iOSBetaTest-feature512-1.png",
"scale" : "1x"
"scale" : "1x",
"size" : "512x512"
"size" : "512x512",
"filename" : "AppBox.png",
"idiom" : "mac",
"filename" : "iOSBetaTest-feature512.png",
"scale" : "2x"
"scale" : "2x",
"size" : "512x512"
"info" : {
"version" : 1,
"author" : "xcode"
"author" : "xcode",
"version" : 1
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
45 changes: 0 additions & 45 deletions AppBox/Commands/

This file was deleted.

52 changes: 0 additions & 52 deletions AppBox/Commands/

This file was deleted.


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