Create your own Levels, Bullets and Enemies by using customized Data Tables, Structures, Behavior Trees, etc.
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Latest Update: July 24th, 2022
Note: A good understanding of Blueprints & Data Tables will be useful in order to modify content.
Video Preview / Game Example (Demo) / Documentation / Official Website / GitHub Profile
This Space Shooter / Bullet Hell Editor includes several Data Tables and custom Data Structures that allow you to create your own Enemies, Bullets and Player Appareance + Stats. If you need help in order to include the project assets into your own project, read the User's Manual.
This is what you can modify:
- Meshes
- Materials
- Sounds
- Particles
- AI
- Attacks
- Bullet Stats
- Player Stats
- Enemy Stats
- Camera Shakes
- Levels
- ...and everything you need ;)
Read the manual here: [ENGLISH | SPANISH]
If you have any questions, contact me and I will answer you and include your question into the User's Manual.
Destructible meshes are not included on this project. Those effects can be easily implemented by using Apex Destruction plugin and modifying the actors Blueprint.
- Custom Level editing by using Behavior Trees that define the progress of the level and the order of the waves.
- Custom Enemy editing by using Data Tables.
- Custom Player editing by using Data Tables.
- Custom Bullet editing by using Data Tables.
- UI example (Main Menu, HUD, Score...)
Number of Blueprints: 31
Number of Blueprint Interfaces: 6
Action Mappings
- Shoot: Gamepad Right Trigger | Space Bar
Axis Mappings
- HorizontalMovement: D (1.0) | A (-1.0) | Gamepad Left Thumbstick X-Axis (1.0)]
- VerticalMovement: W (1.0) | S (-1.0) | Gamepad Left Thumbstick Y-Axis (1.0)]
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms:
- Windows
- Mac
Documentation: [ENGLISH | SPANISH]
Important/Additional Notes: Contact me and I will answer you and include your question into the User Manual.