Implementation of Some of the Machine Learning (ML) Algorithms From Scratch in Python
- Data Visualization (Source code)
- Univariate Polynomial Regression using Gradient Descent and Normal Equation (Source code)
- Multivariate Polynomial Regression, Stepwise Feature Selection (Backward Elimination), Cook's Distance and DFFITS plots from scratch. Fixing Heteroscedasticity and Multicollinearity. (Source code)
- Decision Tree (Source code)
- Ensemble Learning - Bagging algorithm using Decision Tree (Random Forest) (Source code)
- KNN using Euclidean and Cosine distance, Confusion Matrix for Multi-class Classification, Optical Recognition of Handwritten Digits (Source code)
- Implementation of Naive Bayes Algorithm for Spam Email Detection (Source code)
- Custom kernels for Support Vector Machine (SVM) (Source code)
- K-means clustering, Outlier detection (Source code)
- DBSCAN, Evaluation Metrics (Accuracy, Entropy, Purity) (Source code)
- Q-learning through Epsilon-Greedy Algorithm (Source code)
- Multi-output Regression (Source code)
- Skin Detection (Source code)
- Credit Approval (Source code)
Rabist - view on LinkedIn
- Course: Machine Learning (CE5501) - MS
- Teacher: Dr. Ehsan Nazerfard
- Univ: Amirkabir University of Technology
- Semester: Fall 2022
Licensed under MIT.