Nyuki SimFor is is an open source application for Linux systems, designed to extract the file contents of a (U)SIM card for forensic investigations. It supports direct communication with USB-to-Serial bridge controllers that can be purchased at a cheap price. It uses the APDU protocol to communicate with the SIM card in order to discover and extract the necessary records.
- Partial extraction of known (U)SIM files.
- Full (Bruteforce) extraction of all present files (Could take a few hours). This is based on the idea implemented by another successful SIM card forensic tool called simbrush.
- Output to XML file
- Support for automated decoding of SIM card files.
./SIMFor --help
SIMFor does not play well with pcscd so make sure you disable it before running.
- Add definitions for SIM card files
- Decide about "make install"
View more info at Silensec's Website here