This is where we're testing Conductor workers in various languages.
We have some (somewhat messy) workers in /workers/
, written in Go
, C#
and Python
. We've been interacting with the Orkes playground server at
, though we would like to setup our own server. Preferably locally, but experiencing some Docker issues with Apple silicon, so we may deploy one to AWS.
For "hello world" type testing, we've been using the welcome_to_bar_if_over_18_workflow.json
. This experiments with simple workers in all languages, using some basic passing of input/output params. This workflow uses check_is_over_18_task.json
and welcome_to_bar_task.json
as Tasks. More info can be seen at in workflows by [email protected].
We are implementing a mock workflow in the vague shape of a Xapien enquiry. TODO copy workflow/task code into this repo from Orkes.
This directory represents rough shapes of the outputs of various tasks in the MockEnquiry workflow, so that we can implement workers to output these mock results at each appropriate task.