Corpdesk is a platform for ERP applications.
- cd_cache::start_session();
- pass p_sid through header
- pass token through header
- initial session validation function
- 1. if p_sid is set, and there is an existing session data with same sid, varify if session is valid
- note that on initial load p_sid may not be set, so when p_sid is not set
- on login, update token at gui
- on login, update token at nodejs
- on login, update session timeout at gui
- on login, update session timeout at nodejs
- on login, start_session(), get_sess_timeout()
- save timeout time
- cd_cache::renew_session();
- check if curr_time > timeout_time
- cd_cache::validate_session();
- cd_cache::get_user_by_token()
- update token
- sync cache
- test socketIO for client server communication including (live updating cache, chat)
- look for open source cache/db syncing
18th Nov 2018 - started work on updating token ToDo: - syncing cache 5th Nov 2018 //SECURITY UPGRADE: - SSL - set host: - set PKI (public key infrastructure) - get and set cert - Apache: set virtual host ( - php redirect to gui index - set nodejs for https - set cors - php bcrypt passwords for mysql storage - register - auth - set change password (back-end) - update php test files for ssl - update cd:helpers:http for ssl //TODO: - forgot password ///////////////////////////////////////// ISSUES:
issue: firefox still failing cors issue(connection from javascript gui to nodejs api or php api), but working in chrome
chrome does not allow localhost while firefox only works when host is set to localhost
cors issue sorted with cors middleware
issue: cors
implemented https Progress: //Pushed:1/10/2018 Setting up cd-api in node.js based on existing cd php versionPushed:
mysql connection pool
object queries for mysql
- insert
- select
- update
- delete
async-await for mysql
register user
successfull: live test connection from guig: http://localhost:3000/sys?m=moduleman&c=cd_cache&a=create&dat%5Bfields%5D=&dat%5Bf_vals%5D%5B0%5D%5Bcontent_id%5D=cd_accts_bank_156_DEF3199F-470D-908F-5637-F31949658B84&dat%5Bf_vals%5D%5B0%5D%5Buser_id%5D=1010&dat%5Bf_vals%5D%5B0%5D%5Bcontent%5D%5Bxx%5D=yy&dat%5Btoken%5D=DEF3199F-470D-908F-5637-F31949658B84&args%5Bdoc_from%5D=&args%5Bdoc_to%5D=&args%5Bsubject%5D=read+cd_accts_bank&args%5Bdoctyp_id%5D=
request to json:
{ "m": "user", "c": "user", "a": "WebRegister", "dat": { "controller_config": { "dissallow_duplicate": ["username", "email"], "dissallow_empty": ["username", "password"] }, "fields": "", "f_vals": [{ "data": { "username": "", "email": "[email protected]", "fname": "nodejs", "lname": "client" } }], "token": "" }, "d": { "f_vals": [{ "data": { "password": "node.js" } }] } }
- cd_cache
- http://localhost:3000/sys?m=moduleman&c=cd_cache&a=create&dat%5Bcontroller_config%5D%5Bdissallow_duplicate%5D%5B%5D=username&dat%5Bcontroller_config%5D%5Bdissallow_duplicate%5D%5B%5D=email&dat%5Bcontroller_config%5D%5Bdissallow_empty%5D%5B%5D=username&dat%5Bcontroller_config%5D%5Bdissallow_empty%5D%5B%5D=password&dat%5Bfields%5D=&dat%5Bf_vals%5D%5B0%5D%5Bdata%5D%5Busername%5D=&d%5Bf_vals%5D%5B0%5D%5Bdata%5D%5Bpassword%5D=node.js&
- save data to mongodb from guig...DONE
- read based on filter...DONE
- validate create
- get count from the result
- add date field to chached data
- develop crud api for mongoose`
- read specific fields
- update
- clean up retrieved data from cache
- convert data to cache into string otherwise it get distorted
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //CREATE/////////////////////////////////// var ctx = { "storage_type": { "localStorage": false, "sessionStorage": false, "mongodb": true, "redis": false }, "action": "create", "data": { "m": "moduleman", "c": "cd_cache", "a": "create", "dat": { "fields": "", "filter":"", "f_vals": [{ "content_id": content_id, "user_id": user_id, "content":"thjigd_3" }], "token": token }, "doc_proc_data": { "doc_from": "", "doc_to": "", "subject": "read cd_accts_bank", "doctyp_id": "" }, "request_id": content_id, "ctx": "node_sys", "storage_type": { "localStorage": false, "sessionStorage": false, "mongodb": true, "redis": false }, "debug": true, "fx_client": "lnk_create", "cache": true }
}; proc_server(;
//DELETE/////////////////////////////////// ctx = { "storage_type": { "localStorage": false, "sessionStorage": false, "mongodb": true, "redis": false }, "action": "create", "data": { "m": "moduleman", "c": "cd_cache", "a": "remove", "dat": { "fields": "", "filter":{"content_id":"cd_accts_bank_156_60D96C26-4BBD-C3C6-6678-C8C48A0908A5"}, "f_vals": [], "token": token }, "doc_proc_data": { "doc_from": "", "doc_to": "", "subject": "read cd_accts_bank", "doctyp_id": "" }, "request_id": content_id, "ctx": "node_sys", "storage_type": { "localStorage": false, "sessionStorage": false, "mongodb": true, "redis": false }, "debug": true, "fx_client": "lnk_create", "cache": true }
}; proc_server(;
//READ/////////////////////////////////// ctx = { "storage_type": { "localStorage": false, "sessionStorage": false, "mongodb": true, "redis": false }, "action": "read", "data": { "m": "moduleman", "c": "cd_cache", "a": "read", "dat": { "fields": ["content_id","user_id"], "filter":{"content_id": content_id,"user_id": user_id}, /* "f_vals": [{ "content_id": content_id, "user_id": user_id }],*/ "token": token }, "doc_proc_data": { "doc_from": "", "doc_to": "", "subject": "read cd_accts_bank", "doctyp_id": "" }, "request_id": content_id, "ctx": "node_sys", "storage_type": { "localStorage": false, "sessionStorage": false, "mongodb": true, "redis": false }, "debug": true, "fx_client": "lnk_create", "cache": true }
proc_server(; /////////////////////////////////////////
async function proc_server(req_data) { console.log("starting test_async(req_data)"); let result = await wb.cd_conn(req_data); console.log("test_async::result>>"); console.log(JSON.stringify(result)); var jdata,jqxhr, textStatus, error,context; result.test_async="ok"; wb.server_response(jdata, result, jqxhr, textStatus, error, context); wb.cd_accts_set_widget(req_data, result); }
- log server activities - log user_ip - on successfull authentication, get cached user data - menu items - last page visited - node.js to be informed of change in cache data then node.js to update cache - node.js to use to 'push' changes to cache - chat based on node.js/
send notification mail
- sessions
- cache: user session data
- cache: user_data
- cache: module statistics
modify /base/b to /base by changing /base/b.js to /base/index.js
secure login
session management
mysql return eg {state:1,data:null}
set https
- var path = require('path');
- var scriptName = path.basename(__filename);
logger integreted with sessions
set auth
set secure auth
set secure traffic
set session
set docproc
set transaction interface
on successfull login, get user data
set cd objects
filter authorized menu
harmonize error handling
send sms
calendar scheduler
send notifications
display notifications
automated tests
Done 10/09/2018:
- accept input of a url eg http://localhost:3000/?m=module&c=controller&a=action&d=data
- consume query string as json
- reserved route for app and sys routes
- dispatch logic for relaying to the relevant data to /module/controller/action
- connect and transact with mysql
- do http response with cd response structure
- clean up from sample codes
- isolate mysql file
- isolate config file
- set up base class for common methods
- handle async methods to get sql results from mysql -> base -> controller file -> return cd formatted result