This plugin is designed to create a QGIS project for mapping nature using the NiN system in the field.
The user is presented with several options for customizing the QGIS project.
- option to sub-set the NiN system by choosing the relevant Type system and Major Type Group/s for the current mapping project.
- mapping scale
- filepath to save the project to
- coordinate system for datasets (geopackage file) and project
- select background maps
This creates a QGIS project file and a geopackage file with the selected Type system and the underlying selected Major Type Groups. Mapping units are adjusted based on the selected mapping scale.
- open QGIS
- download and install 'nin-qgis-plugin' in QGIS > Plugins > Manage and Install Plugins > searching for "Natur i Norge"
- pick the relevant NiN Type system, mapping scale, coordinate system, file location and background maps for the QGIS project
- click "Lag geopackage-fil og forbered prosjekt" (eng. "Load Geopackage and adapt project")
This creates all the necessary files for mapping in QGIS and adapts the QGIS environment with the following:
- all layers from the geopackage are loaded containing necessary tables with the NiN type-system
- hierarchical relations are set (major types dependencies on major type groups)
- topological editing is turned on
- avoid overlap on the nin_polygons layer is enabled
- snapping is set to 5px on vertex and segment
- nin_polygons layer is set up with unique random color symbology and labeled by the minor type- depending on the selected Major type groups
- users can add additional raster/vector layers using standard procedures in QGIS
- After project and geopackage were generated, users can transfer the project to Qfield and hereby to a mobile device / tablet or a field computer
- select layer 'nin_polygons'
- toggle layer editing
- add polygon feature
- fill out the NiN information and attributes in the Attribute Form
- relevant variables for the chosen NiN type are displayed for mappers convenience
- mapper can select up to 3 NiN types within one polygon by selecting "Andel av naturtype" to less than 100 and selecting "sammensatt or mosaic"
- take a picture of the NiN type (available on devices with integrated camera)
- approve the polygon registration with "OK"
Mapping guidelines can be found on Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centres (Artsdatabankens) website
Contributors names and contact info @ Lasse Keetz @ Peter Horvath @ Anne B. Nilsen
this plugin was developed with financial support from NINA
the icon used for this plugin was downloaded from Flaticon - Enviroment icons created by Eucalyp