This is a simple open zwave socket server allowing communication with the Zwave protocol. It uses the protocol to use with the IOS/Android application Lightswitch.
More about the protocol can be found here:
Only Binary Switch and Multilevel switch is supported. It does not update the client with UPDATE command.
Need to modify open-zwave/cpp/src/Defs.h RETRY_TIMEOUT from 40000 to 2000 ( due to slow performance.
Only tested on ubuntu, but you will need the following packages:
sudo apt-get install build-essential g++ libconfig-dev libudev-dev subversion
Clone the project
git clone git://
You will also need open-zwave in the parent folder
svn checkout open-zwave
Simply use the Makefile included
cd open-zwave-socket-server
I take no responsibility for any issues caused by this code.
Thanks goes out to the following developers for developing the initial part of this application
tagroup (