Command line interpreter for Linux terminal. Implementing various things, from basic shell operations (ls, pwd etc.) to arithmetic operations and work with Matlab matrix objects.
For this program to run you will need Bison and Flex installed on your system.
You can install Bison with next command:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install bison
Flex can be installed with next line:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flex
For other Linux distributions, quick chat with Google will give you a solution.
When you have all of previous programs up and running, you can download and install JASS following next steps:
# first position your terminal into directorium in witch you want to download and install JASSS
# In my case I used Documents folder
cd ~/Documents/
# cloning repositorium from github
git clone
# enter downloaded directorium and install
cd JASS/ && make
# start JASS interpreter by typing this command
JASS supports some standard shell commands from ls(with flags), pwd, clear all the way to new commands within JASS such as chusername that changes username written on shell powerline. Upgrades and new features are comming.
You can use JASS as calculator just like python interpreter can. This is convenient when in need of some quick calculations.
This is mode still in progress but idea is to be able to do some Matrix transformations and operations with JASS in matlab mode. You can do some more complex tasks and save some results in local variables and access them any time. There are some rules that need to be followed in Matlab-mode:
- Variable names can only be one upper-case letter.
- All matrix rows need to be the same size.