BUIDLing Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). Contracts are written in solidity. Scripts and tests are written in typescript!
Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) is any group that is governed by a transparent set of rules found on a blockchain or smart contract.
Three Key Features of any DAO is:
Here is the rundown of what is happening.
1.We will deploy an ERC20 token that we will use to govern our DAO.
2.We will deploy a Timelock contract that we will use to give a buffer between executing proposals. Note: The timelock is the contract that will handle all the money, ownerships, etc
3.We will deploy our Governence contract Note: The Governance contract is in charge of proposals and such, but the Timelock executes!
4.We will deploy a simple Box contract, which will be owned by our governance process! (aka, our timelock contract).
5.We will propose a new value to be added to our Box contract.
6.We will then vote on that proposal.
7.We will then queue the proposal to be executed.
8.Then, we will execute it!