countries-and-states Public
Forked from vdeshan/countries-and-statesCountries and states list with phone code and ISOs.
UpdatedSep 6, 2021 -
iconicss Public
Forked from Viglino/iconicssMore than 500 pure CSS3 icons!
CSS UpdatedMar 27, 2020 -
A collective list of 360° Virtual Tour Software for building Virtual Tours online & offline.
public-apis Public
Forked from public-apis/public-apisA collective list of public JSON APIs for use in web development.
three.js Public
Forked from mrdoob/three.jsJavaScript 3D library.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 26, 2018 -
fpasthri Public
Το Φ.Π.Α. στήρι είναι ένα εύκολο και δωρεάν πρόγραμμα για τον υπολογισμό του Φόρου Προστιθέμενης Αξίας (Φ.Π.Α.)
MIT License UpdatedOct 15, 2016 -
HUp Public
Forked from SaneMethod/HUpHTML5 file reader and uploader (using File Reader api and XHR2) jquery plugin.
JavaScript UpdatedNov 25, 2015 -
osCommerce-2334-bootstrap Public
Forked from gburton/CE-PhoenixosCommerce with Bootstrap
PHP UpdatedNov 1, 2015 -
wheelzoom Public
Forked from jackmoore/wheelzoomA small script for zooming IMG elements with the mousewheel/trackpad.
JavaScript UpdatedApr 27, 2015 -
oscommerce2 Public
Forked from osCommerce/oscommerce2osCommerce Online Merchant v2.x
PHP Other UpdatedMar 18, 2015 -
html5_notification Public
Forked from Eagllus/html5_notificationHTML5 Notification API
JavaScript UpdatedSep 12, 2014 -
lightbox Public
Forked from ashleydw/lightboxA lightbox gallery plugin for Bootstrap 3 based on the modal plugin
CSS GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedJul 28, 2014 -
skype-status-php Public
Forked from Stichoza/skype-status-phpPHP class to get Skype user's online status
PHP UpdatedJul 18, 2014 -
dragtable Public
Forked from akottr/dragtablere-order table columns by using drag'n'drop
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 28, 2014 -
jquery-filedrop Public
Forked from weixiyen/jquery-filedropjQuery plugin - drag and drop desktop files and POST to a URL to handle files.
JavaScript UpdatedMar 20, 2014 -
jquery-highliner Public
HighLiner displays two panels. One above cursor and one bellow, so you can focus only where your cursor is. Its very usefull if you are reading large texts such as paragraphs. Press Activate Highli…
GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedDec 27, 2013 -
FFmpeg-PHP-Class Public
Forked from onja/FFmpeg-PHP-ClassA complete class for using FFmpeg written in PHP 5.3+
PHP UpdatedDec 9, 2013 -
banbuilder Public
Forked from snipe/banbuilderSource lists for swear words for web applications, forums, etc.
PHP UpdatedApr 11, 2013 -
joomla-external-login Public
Forked from chdemko/joomla-external-loginThe External Login project allows Joomla! to manage external Authentication Servers
PHP UpdatedApr 4, 2013 -
php-waveform-png Public
Forked from afreiday/php-waveform-pngPHP MP3 PNG waveform generator
PHP BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedDec 12, 2011