Simple Islamic Hadith API with Indonesia Translation.
Already deployed in [] or you can deploy your own at:
- Your contribution ?
- Muslim
- Bukhari
- Tirmidzi
- Nasai
- Abu Daud
- Ibnu Majah
- Ahmad
- Darimi
- Malik
- Your contribution ?
- Arabic
- Indonesia Translation
- Your contribution ?
= Returns the list of available Hadith Books. -
= Returns hadiths by range of number. Example: /books/bukhari?range=300-500. (Note: For performance reasons, max accepted range: 300) -
= Returns spesific hadith. Example: /books/muslim/5
Fetching on HR. Muslim No. 5
yarn start
= run server.yarn dev
= run develop server.yarn crawl
= collect new data from the data source, then unifying it in one JSON file.
- Bank Syariah Mandiri [REK: 7142365973 (SUTAN GADING F NASUTION)]
- Trakteer
- Karyakarsa
Copyright © 2020 by Sutan Gading Fadhillah Nasution