I'm a Software Developer at @TXODDS, pursuing a Master's Degree in Computer Science, and holding a Bachelor's Degree from CIn - UFPE @UFPE.
❤️ Passionate about teaching others and exploring new technologies. In my spare time I like to play guitar, listen to a lot of music and be with the people I love.
- Ronin: Sports betting platform, containing various features such as live video streams, interactive boards, real-time information and much more.
Front-end -> Vue 3, Bootstrap and Prismic CMS. Back-end -> Java, Spring, Node.JS, AWS (RDS, Lambda). Infrastructure -> Docker, Nginx, AWS (S3, Cloudfront), Github Actions.
- CIN-CNJ Process Mining: Innovation project with the National Council of Justice (CNJ). The project involves research in process mining, study of existing tools and design and development of a process mining tool with a focus on the Brazilian judiciary.
Front-end -> Angular and Material Design. Back-end -> Python, PM4PY, Flask. Infrastructure -> Docker, Nginx.
- [Dissertio]: Dissertio is a spell checker, grammatical and syntactic that uses resources built with Artificial Intelligence.
Front-end -> Vue and BootstrapVue. Back-end -> Languagetool (Java), Firebase.
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabrielnogueiralt
- Personal site: https://gabrielnogueiralt.github.io/