OData in Java made simple. For those, who wished for a Spring Repository API on an OData v2 Service. With paging and sorting. Like PagingAndSortingRepository.
As a developer, I would like to write paged OData queries as Spring Repository methods:
public class EmployeeRepository extends ODataEntityRepository<Employee> {
* Find employees with matching language code.
* @param lang language code
* @param pager paging state object
* @return next page of employees with the specified language code
public Page<Employee> findByLanguage(EmployeeLanguageCode lang, Pageable pager) {
As a developer, I want to use codelist-type OData Entities of my choice as Java enums, so that I would not have to rely on String constants in my code:
public enum EmployeeLanguageCode implements ODataEnum {
As a developer, I would would like to have a query builder to craft the the OData request URI. The builder has to be type-safe, so that broken request URI-s would be reported at compile time.
ODataQueryOperation<Employee> query = ODataQueryOperation.builder()
.filter(ODataFilter.builder(Employee._FirstName, ODataFilter.Option.EQUALS, "value1")
As a developer, I would also like to have a client builder to access an OData Service.
ODataClient client = ODataClient.builder()
.mapper(new ODataEntityMapper())
As a developer, I want OData entities mapped to Java POJO-s. Just as I have POJO-s to represent relational entities when using JPA. I want to have something like this:
public class Employee extends ODataEntity { // <-- Name of the Edm Entity
private String objectID; // <-- Key property of the Edm Entity
private String someProperty; // <-- Just some boring property of the Edm Entity
private EmployeeLanguageCode languageCode; // <-- Edm codelist type stuff as enums
private List<EmployeeSkills> employeeSkills; // <-- Edm Navigation Property, relationship cardinality honored, of course
from this:
<EntityType Name="Employee">
<PropertyRef Name="ObjectID"/>
<Property Name="ObjectID" Type="Edm.String" ... />
<Property Name="SomeProperty" Type="Edm.String" ... />
<NavigationProperty Name="EmployeeSkills" ... />
As a developer, I want Edm changes to be synchronized to the Java model during my build, so that i do not have to manually update the entity classes. A maven plugin will do just fine:
In order to build i4odata, you need the following tools on your system:
- Java JDK 8 or newer
- Maven 3
To build and install i4odata maven artifacts you need to do the following simple steps:
- Clone the git repository into a local folder (
). - Execute a maven build:
$ cd <i4odata_home>
$ mvn clean install
Generating the Java data model is a two-step process:
- EDMX to XSD: Convert the Edmx of a service to an XML Schema (XSD) using the odata-generator maven plugin.
- XSD to Java: Generate Java source code from the XSD using jaxb2-maven-plugin's xjc goal.
This means that we will need to configure two maven plugins to do the full job.
XSD-s are generated from the configured edmx file. You can select In order to generate an XSD successfully, you will need to configure a number a plugin parameters:
- inputMetadata
- outputSchema
- rootCollectionPath
- rootServiceUrl
- entityPrefix
- basicAuthUser
- basicAuthPassword
- rootTargetNamespace
- entityBaseClass
- functionImportBaseClass
- fieldsMetaInterface
- navigationMetaInterface
- keyMetaInterface
- enumMetaInterface
- codelistWrapperMetaInterface
- contextualCodelistWrapperMetaInterface
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Each Edm Entity (defined as an EntityType in the OData v2 service's Entity Metadata Document , i.e. edm) should be mapped to a Java Entity Class, i.e.
<EntityType Name="Employee">
<Property Name="ObjectID" Type="Edm.String" ... />
should be mapped to
public class Employee extends ODataEntity {
protected String objectID;
Each NavigationProperty of an Edm Entity should be mapped as a member field of the corresponding Entity Class, i.e
<EntityType Name="Employee">
<NavigationProperty Name="EmployeeSkills" ... />
should be mapped to
public class Employee extends ODataEntity {
protected List<EmployeeSkills> employeeSkills;
The i4odata object interface should be strongly typed, and leverage Edm type information to enable the following:
- Entity key, field and navigation names should be defined as Java constants so that compile-time verification that only relevant keys, fields and navigations are used in OData operations
ODataOperation<Employee> operation = ODataQueryOperation.builder()
// Allow only Employee key fields to be used in key predicates
.path(Employee.class, Employee._ObjectID, "<key value>")
// Allow only Employee navigation fields to be used in expand clauses
// Allow only Employee fields to be used in filter clauses
.builder(Employee._FirstName, ODataFilter.Option.EQUALS, "value1")
... etc ...
- Enums ...
The object mapping is performed by the ODataEntityMapper
, that implements the following operations:
convert an Edm Entity to an
:<E extends ODataEntity> E mapPropertiesToEntity(Map<String, Object> properties, Class<E> entityClass)
convert an
to an Edm Entity:<E extends ODataEntity> Map<String, Object> mapEntityToProperties(E data, Class<E> entityClass)
Third-party dependency: com.fasterxml.jackson
Every OData Service is represented by an ODataClient
object, responsible for the low-level plumbing and physical access to OData v2 endpoints.
You can create an ODataClient
using its builder()
ODataClient client = ODataClient.builder()
.serviceUrl("<Service URL>")
.mapper(new ODataEntityMapper())
Operations to OData Services are accessed via the command objects
which - when executed - return their results as an ODataResponse
Both ODataClient-s and ODataQueryOperation provide their own Builder objects.
- Create an ODataClient to access the OData Service
ODataClient client = ODataClient.builder()
.serviceUrl("<Service URL>")
.mapper(new ODataEntityMapper())
- Create and execute the operation
List<Employee> employees = ODataQueryOperation.builder()
i4odata is type safe. What is means is that code that compiles should produce a syntactically valid query.
Metadata fields are defined for each OData Property, NavigationProperty and Key.
- For every OData Property there are two Java fields in the OData Entity Class, a data field and a metadata field (starting with an underscore).
public final static EmployeeFields _LastName = EmployeeFields.LASTNAME;
- An field metadata enum exists for every Entity Class, containing the definition of its fields. The field metadata enum is tied to the EntityClass by supplying the class generic type parameter.
public enum EmployeeFields implements ODataFields<Employee> {
Key Properties of an OData Entity are represented similar to simple properties:
- The Entity Class contains a data field and a metadata key field (starting with an underscore)
public final static EmployeeKeyFields _ObjectID = EmployeeKeyFields.OBJECTID;
- An key field metadata enum exists for every Entity Class, containing the definition of its fields. The key field metadata enum is tied to the EntityClass by supplying the class generic type parameter.
public enum EmployeeKeyFields implements ODataKeyFields<Employee> {
- The Entity Class contains a data field and a metadata navigation field (starting with an underscore)
public final static EmployeeNavigations _EmployeeSkills = EmployeeNavigations.EMPLOYEESKILLS;
- An navigation field metadata enum exists for every Entity Class, containing the definition of its fields. The navigation field metadata enum is tied to the EntityClass by supplying the class generic type parameter.
public enum EmployeeNavigations implements ODataNavigations<Employee> {
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
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- Dropwizard - The web framework used
- Maven - Dependency Management
- ROME - Used to generate RSS Feeds
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Billie Thompson - Initial work - PurpleBooth
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- Inspiration
- etc
Written with StackEdit.