This software was developed using the following libraries:
- ghc-8.10.4
- yesod-
- yesod-persistent-
- sqlite-3.35.5
The web interface was tested on:
- firefox-91.5.0
- google-chrome-97.0.4692.99
The documentation was generated using:
- haddock-2.24.0
- pdfTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.22
- minted 2017/07/19 v2.5
- pygments-2.10.0
Compatibility with other versions of these programs and libraries has not been tested.
The proof assistant is used via a web browser interface. Before you can run it,
you have to rename the theory_examples.db3
to theory.db3
or download a
theory database from an online version of SOFiA and place it in the source
directory. In either case you have to ensure that a valid theory.db3
present in the source directory.
To run SOFiA locally, compile the source code with
$ ghc --make Main.hs
and then start it with:
$ ./Main
Alternatively you can also run it with:
$ runhaskell Main.hs
Then point your web browser to http://localhost:3000
. Further help can be
found from within the web interface by typing :help