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Connecting to Database

Richardo2016 edited this page Dec 10, 2018 · 1 revision

Before connecting, you will need a supported driver. Here's the drivers and versions that are tested, add the ones you need to your package.json.

driver npm package version
mysql mysql 2.12.0
pg 6.1.0 [1]
sqlite sqlite3 3.1.8
mongodb mongodb 1.4.10

[1] If you're connecting to Heroku, use version 2.5.0.

These are the versions tested. Use others (older or newer) at your own risk.

For example, to use mySQL just do:

$ npm install --save [email protected]

To connect to a database, you can pass a URL string where the scheme is a supported driver or you can pass an Object with the parameters of the connection.

var orm = require('orm');

orm.connect('mysql://root:password@localhost/test', function(err, db) {
  if (err) return console.error('Connection error: ' + err);

  // connected
  // ...

The callback is only called when the connection is done successfully (or unsuccessfully). You can avoid passing a callback and listen for the connect event if you prefer.

var orm = require('orm');

var db = orm.connect('mysql://root:password@localhost/test');

db.on('connect', function(err) {
  if (err) return console.error('Connection error: ' + err);

  // connected
  // ...

The connection URL has the following syntax: driver://username:password@hostname/database?option1=value1&option2=value2..

Valid options are:

  • debug (default: false): prints queries to console;
  • pool (default: false): manages a connection pool (only for mysql and postgres) using built-in driver pool;
  • strdates (default: false): saves dates as strings (only for sqlite).
  • timezone (default: 'local'): store dates in the database using this timezone (mysql and postgres only)

Both debug and pool can also be set using Settings.

Connecting to multiple databases

ORM Models are bound to database connections, so if you need 'multi-tenancy', that is need to connect to different servers or databases, you can use something like this:

// db.js
var connections = {};

function setup(db) {
  var User = db.define('user', ...);
  var Shirt = db.define('shirt', ...);
  Shirt.hasOne('user', User, ...);

module.exports = function(host, database, cb) {
  if (connections[host] && connections[host][database]) {
    return connections[host][database];
  var opts = {
    host:     host,
    database: database,
    protocol: 'mysql',
    port:     '3306',
    query:    {pool: true}
  orm.connect(opts, function(err, db) {
    if (err) return cb(err);
    connections[host] = connections[host] || {};
    connections[host][database] = db;
    cb(null, db);

// somewhere else, eg, middleware

var database = require('./db');

database('dbserver1', 'main', function(err, db) {
  if (err) throw err;

  db.models.user.find({foo: 'bar'}, function(err, rows) {
    // ...

Connections are cached, so models will only be defined once per server+database.
Because we're using a connection pool, we don't need to worry about running out of connections and we can run multiple queries at once.


If you are getting this error when connecting to the mysql database:

Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
    at errnoException (net.js:670:11)
    at Object.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:661:19)

then you could try to add socketPath parameter:

var db = orm.connect({
    host:     'localhost',
    database: 'database',
    user:     'user',
    password: 'pass',
    protocol: 'mysql',
    socketPath: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock',
    port:     '3306',
    query:    {pool: true, debug: true}
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