Proof of concept for tracking objects using a simple 2D image and a 2 axis joint kinematics with laser light. Tracking is realized without modeling the 2 axes joint system (forward kinematic transformation) or pinhole camera, neither geometric distortions of the camera lenses. The motivation behind was to keep as simply possible, without using any heavy math...and still get to work.

The system consists of two parts:
- Motor guidance, an Arduino board Plusivo
- Software running on the PC, does the object recognition using OpenCV, estimate the coordinates with a Kalman filter and commands the motors. Note: the previous design was with servo motors, but due to the low precision, was changed with stepper motors.
The guidance system has 2 unipolar stepper motors, connected to the ULN2003A motor direvers. The stepper motors 28BYJ-48 have incorporated geaars divideing the bases steps approximativelly to 4096 microsteps / rotation.

Once the .ino
file is written to the Arduino board, can be accessed over serial. Send in a serial terminal window the ls,0
to list all the available commands. It should look like this.
m0mtp,val - stepper 0 move to position plus (clockwhise) n steps
m0mtm,val - stepper 0 move to position minus (anti-clockwhise) n steps
m1mtp,val - stepper 1 move plus (clockwhise) n steps
m1mtn,val - stepper 1 move minus (anti-clockwhise) n steps
pon,val - port x on
poff,val - port x off
m0p,val - stepper 0, current position plus n steps
m0m,val - stepper 0, current position minus n steps
m1p,val - stepper 1, current position plus n steps
m1m,val - stepper 1, current position minus n steps
ls,val - list commands over serial
sh,[0,1] - set home posiion for motor [0,1]
gh,[0,1] - go home motor [0,1]

The RGB images from the camera are converted into HSV colorspace. Here a specific color filter is applied to the image. After the position of the color field is detected, a contour detection algorithm is applied to filter out false detections and get the position of the object tracked in the 2D space. The color to be tracked can be easily adjusted, trough the definitions below. To determine, the rights color spaces, use the color_filterer software.
#Laser pointer color code
#Ball color code
The heart of the guidance system is the Kalman estimator (2 dimensional). Currently, the predicted and correct part is used, without using the prediction when the target is lost (is a constant velocity model, therefore the behavior can be not the expected one).
Admin rights will be needed since the software get access to the serial port. From Command line:
sudo python3 -cam 0 -ser /dev/ttyUSB0
usage: [-h] -cam camID -ser serial
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-cam camID Camera ID, default 0
-ser serial Serial port name
After starting the system, the keyboard keys (w,a,s,d,h)can be used to bring the laser pointer in the frame. After this action the (is recommended) to press the reset button on the Arduino board, this will set the home coordinates on for the motors and the tracking can start.
Change color tracker to object detection using machine learning.
Arduino CheepStepper librarry - used to control the stepper motors
Fritzing components for stepper and driver