Trigger a deploy to Netlify either automatically or with a button in the dashboard.
- Under
Settings > Netlify Deploy
you'll need to config the following:- A "Build hook" URL found in the Netlify admin under
Site Settings > Build & Deploy > Build hooks
settings page. Recommended to name this hook "WordPress" but it's optional. - The "Deploy status badge" URL found in the Netlify admin under
Site Settings > General > Deploy status badge
settings page. Note, you only need to enter the URL, not the full badge markdown code.
- A "Build hook" URL found in the Netlify admin under
You can trigger a manual deploy by clicking the deploy button in the admin bar at the top of the WordPress dashboard. It updates in real time to show current build status. It will ask for confirmation if the user tries to schedule multiple builds.
The "Auto deploy on publish" setting will trigger a deploy to Netlify whenever the following occurs:
1. A post/page/CPT is created or updated
1. Attachment updated (but not created)
1. Menu item changes
1. Nested Pages plugin changes the page (or CPT) order
1. A post/page/CPT is deleted
The auto-deploy function is debounced to only allow 1 deploy every 60 seconds. This means if you try to do multiple deploys, it will only do the first and last, and 60 seconds apart.
- Add a "settings" link on the plugin install page