This code is still being developed. It should not be used in production.
Client for Interacting with API
npm install '';
import { CodeGovAPIClient } from "";
// initialize client
let client = new CodeGovAPIClient();
// get search results for "Space""Space").then(search_results => {
console.log("Agencies and repos related to space are ", search_results);
// get all agencies on code.government
client.getAgencies().then(agencies => {
let count = agencies.length;
console.log("There are " + count + " agencies on");
// get all repositories by an Agency
client.getAgencyRepos("SSA").then(repositories => {
console.log("Social Security Agency has these repositories ", repositories);
// get information about a specific repository
let repo_id = "nasa_dfrc_dthdata_armstrong_time_history_software_utility";
client.getRepoByID(repo_id).then(repository => {
console.log("Repository information is ", repository);