Collections are a distribution format for Ansible content that can include playbooks, roles, modules, and plugins, they are usually hosted and shared by a repository called Ansible Galaxy. The Ansible Network Collection for Fujitsu PSWITCH (fos-ansible-collection), which also has been uploaded and managed there, contains a variety of Ansible content to help automate the management for Fujitsu PSWITCHs, and you can get it in either of two ways: install from source or install from Ansible Galaxy.
- — Run commands in Privileged EXEC modes
- — Manage configurations in Global Config modes
- — Collect facts
- — Manage configurations in VLAN Config modes
Overall steps:
- Install Ansible and dependency module.
- Install fos-ansible-collection.
Before installing fos-ansible-collection, please make sure Ansible and the dependency module are available in your environment.
Command reference:
pip3 install ansible --user
pip3 install paramiko --user
Please refer to the Ansible official page for more information.
There are two installation paths available: from source or from Ansible Galaxy, please choose one between them to complete the installation.
This repository contains the entire code for fos-ansible-collection, so we can just copy the plugins to complete the installation.
Copy plugins:
mkdir -p ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/fujitsu/fos/
cp -r plugins/ ~/.ansible/
cp -r plugins/ ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/fujitsu/fos/
Ansible Galaxy is a repository that hosts and shares collections, since fos-ansible-collection has been uploaded and managed there, we can install the plugins directly using ansible-galaxy command.
Install the latest version of fos-ansible-collection:
ansible-galaxy collection install fujitsu.fos
Or, install a specific version of fos-ansible-collection:
ansible-galaxy collection install fujitsu.fos:1.0.0
Available versions can be found on the Ansible Galaxy fos-ansible-collection page.
Then copy plugins:
cp -r ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/fujitsu/fos/plugins/ ~/.ansible/
- Ansible version 2.10 or later.
- Python 2.7 or higher and Python 3.5 or higher
You can refer to the files in the example folder, modify the IP and other contents and execute:
ansible-playbook -i ./inventory ./playbook.yaml
Note: Before using above command, you need to ssh to the switch once to complete the key fingerprint authentication.
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:*******************************************.
This key is not known by any other names
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
This file provides the PSWITCH connection information, such as IP address, username and password etc.
[host] # The hostname you named for the PSWITCH in this file. # The PSWITCH IP address.
[host:vars] # The "host" here should be the same as the hostname above.
ansible_ssh_user=**** # The PSWITCH ssh username.
ansible_ssh_pass=**** # The PSWITCH ssh password for above username.
ansible_connection=network_cli # Specify the connection method, for PSWITCH it should be "network_cli".
ansible_network_os=fos # Specify the network OS, for PSWITCH it should be "fos".
This file contains the network content you want to configure, such as configuring interface settings, adding a port to a VLAN etc.
- hosts: host # The hostname of the PSWITCH, it should be the same as in inventory.
gather_facts: no # Specify if the fact modules are executed in parallel or serially and in order.
tasks: # The task array that you want to run.
- name: "show version" # The task name.
fos_command: # This module is used to run commands on PSWITCH.
commands: # List of commands to send to PSWITCH.
- show version # Show PSWITCH version.
- name: "get hardware fact" # The task name.
fos_facts: # This module is used to collect facts from PSWITCH.
gather_subset: # Restrict the facts collected to a given subset.
- "hardware" # Given the restricted subset.
- name: "configure interface settings" # The task name.
fos_config: # This module is used to manage PSWITCH configuration.
lines: # The ordered set of commands that should be configured.
- lldp transmit # Enable lldp transmit.
- lldp receive # Enable lldp receive.
parents: interface 0/16 # Specifiy the port to be configured.
- name: "configure access port" # The task name.
fos_config: # This module is used to manage PSWITCH configuration.
lines: # The ordered set of commands that should be configured.
- switchport access vlan 30 # Add the port to the specific VLAN.
parents: interface 0/36 # Specifiy the port to be configured.
For the complete usage of each module, please refer to the output of the following commands:
ansible-doc fos_command
ansible-doc fos_config
ansible-doc fos_facts
ansible-doc fos_vlan