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Sys Data

friznit edited this page Feb 12, 2016 · 1 revision

h1. Sys data

Provides a data handler object to persist module state to an external database.

h2. Creating a data handler for your module

     GVAR(datahandler) = [nil, "create"] call ALIVE_fnc_Data;
    [GVAR(datahandler),"storeType",true] call ALIVE_fnc_Data;

storeType = use this if you will be restoring data and need to convert from string to SQF variable. Essentially stores the variable type to the data dictionary. Set to true by default.

h2. Writing a single document/record to the database

Writing to DB should occur when the server is disconnecting, unless live data is required in the DB (then ensure you set async to true).

_async = false; // Wait for response from server
_recordID = format["%1_%2", ALIVE_sys_data_GROUP_ID, missionName]; // Example - id needs to be unique within your module records
_result = [GVAR(datahandler), "write", ["YOUR_MODULE_NAME",YOUR_CBA_HASH, _async, _recordID] ] call ALIVE_fnc_Data;

If are writing data that was previously restored, ensure you maintain the _rev value returned within the data restored. This is required if you are updating/appending a record.

returns a string of the result (contains "error" if there is an issue)

h2. Writing multiple documents/records to the database

For when multiple records/documents are held within a single hash (i.e. hashes within a hash)

_missionName = format["%1_%2", ALIVE_sys_data_GROUP_ID, missionName]; // must include group_id to ensure mission reference is unique across groups
_result = [GVAR(datahandler), "save", ["YOUR_MODULE_NAME",YOUR_CBA_HASH, _missionName, _async]] call ALIVE_fnc_Data;

Each "document/record" (CBA_HASH) within YOUR_CBA_HASH should have a unique key.

returns a string of the result (contains "error" if there is an issue)

h2. Reading a single document/record from the database

Reading should occur during module init.

_response = [GVAR(datahandler), "read", ["YOUR_MODULE_NAME", [], _recordID]] call ALIVE_fnc_Data;

returns a CBA_HASH if successful, string "ERROR" if not.

h2. Reading multiple documents/records from the database

Reading should occur during module init. Async should be set to false.

_result = [GVAR(datahandler), "load", ["YOUR_MODULE_NAME", _missionName, _async]] call ALIVE_fnc_Data;

returns a CBA_HASH, string "ERROR" if not.

h2. Examples