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My personal configuration for GNU Emacs.



To install a current (snapshot) Emacs on Debian based distros:

  1. Add PPA with sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-elisp/ppa
  2. Refresh your package lists with sudo apt-get update
  3. Install packages with sudo apt-get install emacs-snapshot emacs-snapshot-el.

To install from a downloaded source archive on Ubuntu:

  1. sudo apt-get install build-essential
  2. sudo apt-get build-dep emacs (Perhaps you need to include source archives in your sources.list file.)
  3. Unpack downloaded source archive to temp folder, cd into it
  4. ./configure && make && sudo make install

To use this configuration:

  1. In case you have an existing configuration you don't want to loose make a backup of your ~/.emacs and ~/.emacs.d.
  2. Remove ~/.emacs.d.
  3. Clone this repo using git clone to some place.
  4. Create a softlink ln -s ~/place/of/cloned/emacsd ~/.emacs.d
  5. Start Emacs, get something to drink.
  6. Restart Emacs.

Clojure hint

If you plan to work with Clojure you can follow the steps as documented in a blog post of mine.

Clojure nREPL integration is provided by CIDER. To make full use of it, the Leiningen cider-nrepl plugin must be present, either in project.clj or ~/.lein/profiles.clj. Here's my profiles.clj as example.

E-Mail setup

E-Mail searching, reading and writing requires notmuch (indexer) and msmtp (SMTP command), respectively. Syncing of local maildirs is done via mbsync (IMAP) and mpop (POP3). Password managment is done via pass.

Calendar/Diary setup

The Emacs diary uses #includes. The included diary files are generated from iCalendar .ics files that are synced via vdirsyncer with CalDAV compliant services like Radicale or Nextcloud.

Some M-x commands I use often

Command Description
align-regexp Align within a region by regex
calendar Open calendar and diary
comment-region Put region in comments
describe-mode Get help about active modes
ediff Load and diff files
ediff-buffers Diff buffers
eshell Create buffer with terminal
find-name-dired List all files in dir tree
hl-line-mode Toggle highlighting of current line
httpd-start Start internal http server on http://localhost:8080/imp
impatient-mode Enable buffers impatient minor mode
linum-mode Toggle line number display on the left
magit-blame Show Git blame lines for current file
magit-log-buffer-file Show Git log with commits touching file
magit-status Show Magit buffer
my-css-indent-2/4 Set css indentation width
notmuch Open e-mail search overview
org-agenda Open Org agenda view
org-capture Capture TODO item or anything else
org-store-link Capture current place as link
query-replace Replace all to end of buffer, ask for each
package-list-packages Open package manager
projectile-replace Replace string in project files
replace-string Replace all to end of buffer
revert-buffer Reload buffer contents from file
rgrep Grep for pattern recursively in files
string-rectangle Insert prefix to every marked line
toggle-truncate-lines Turn visual line wrapping on or off
uncomment-region Remove comment markers for region
visual-line-mode Switch nice word wrap on/off

Key bindings

File/buffer/window/frame commands

C-q         Exit Emacs
C-w         Kill current buffer
C-x k       Ask for buffer to kill
C-o         Toggle window control hydra
C-x C-f     Load file
C-x f       Open recently used file
C-x C-s     Save buffer to file
C-x C-w     Write buffer to other file
C-x b, F8   Switch buffer
C-Pgup      Previous buffer
C-Pgdn      Next buffer
C-Tab       Switch to next window
M-<1 2 ..>  Goto window 1, 2, 3, ..
C-l         Center buffer to point
C-x o       Jump to next window
C-x 1       Delete other windows
C-x 0       Delete current window
C-x 2       Split window horizontally
C-x 3       Split window vertically
C-x 5 2     Create new frame
C-x 5 0     Delete current frame

Globally available special functions

C-Escape    Toggle treemacs sidebar
C-x C-b     List buffers
C-F8        List buffers
C-x C-a     Org agenda
C-x C-l     Org store link
C-x C-q     Org capture
C-x C-d     Show directory of current buffer in dired+
C-x d       Ask for start directory, then open dired
C-x t a     Add current dir to treemacs workspace
C-x C-c     Show calendar with diary-fancy-display
C-x g       Git status for current project
C-x C-.     Git blame for file in current buffer
C-x l       Git log for file in current buffer
C-x C-n     Show e-mail overview buffer *notmuch-hello*
C-x m       Select mail composition context (from address, signature etc)
C-x C-m     Compose new message
C-u C-x C-m Compose new message, ask for sender first
C-x y, F7   Insert snippet

Movement of point

C-n         Line down
C-p         Line up
M-f         Word forward
M-b         Word backward
C-a         Line begin
C-e         Line end
C-,         Ace Jump
M-<         Set mark
M->         Jump back to mark

General edit commands

C-z         Undo
C-k         Kill line
C-d         Kill character forward
M-d         Kill word
M-Delete    Kill word backwards
M-q         Reformat paragraph
C-c         Copy
C-x         Cut
C-v         Paste
C-Ins       Browse kill ring
C-/         Toggle comment for region
C-x h       Mark whole buffer contents
C->         Mark next like this (multiple cursors)
C-<         Mark previous like this (multiple cursors)
C-M-.       Mark all like this (multiple cursors)
C-M-m       Multiple cursors hydra
C-Space     Expand region
C-Enter     Set/end rectangle mark

Misc commands

C-g         Cancel command / buffer (or 3x Escape)
q           Dismiss a temporary buffer that has appeared
M-g         Goto line
C-s         Search (swiper)
C-r         Replace string
C-x y       Insert snippet
C-y         Git grep
M-%         Query replace
C-+         Increase font size in buffer
C--         Decrease font size in buffer
C-x C-0     Reset font size in buffer
C-;         Toggle highlight symbol at point

Projectile (see also project page)

C-c p       Open projectile hydra
C-F12       Find project file


?           Show hydra
Enter       Visit file/dir
v           View file/dir in place
o           Visit file in other window
&           Do shell command on file (e.g. xdg-open)
C-o         View file in other window
^           Go to parent dir
Backspace   Go to parent dir
.           Toggle hidden file display
Tab         Toggle file details display
s           Toggle sorting by date or by name
g           Refresh
m           Mark
% m         Mark using regexp
u           Unmark
U           Unmark all
k           Hide marked lines from list
q           Close dired buffer

Markdown (see also cheatsheet)

C-c C-a l   Insert link
C-c C-c p   Preview in browser

Magit (for more see keystroke index)

q           Close Magit buffer
g           Refresh
l l         Show log
e           Enter Ediff mode
x           Reset to commit
C-u x       Hard reset to commit
Tab         Show diff for single file
s           Stage one
u           Unstage one
S           Stage all
U           Unstage all
c c         Prepare commit
C-c C-c     Commit
P P         Push (without explicit refspec)
f u         Fetch
m m         Merge
b b         Switch branch
z z         Create stash
z p         Pop stash
z k         Kill stash
i           Add file to .gitignore

Paredit (for more see cheatsheet)

Tab         Reindent
C-M-u       Jump up to start of enclosing sexp
C-f         Jump forward to next sexp
C-S-f       Jump forward and adjust region
C-M-f       Jump forward+down to next sexp
C-b         Jump backward to beginning of previous sexp
C-S-b       Jump backward and adjust region
C-M-Space   Mark current sexp
C-d         Delete whitespace until next sexp except one
C-k         Kill sexp or rest until sexp ends
C-i         Reindent sexp
C-Right     Forward slurp (closing bracket to the right)
C-Left      Forward barf (closing bracket to the left)
ESC C-Right Backward slurp (opening bracket to the left)
ESC C-Left  Backward barf (opening bracket to the right)
M-(         Wrap round
M-s         Splice (unwrap)
M-S         Split sexps
M-J         Join sexps
M-r         Raise sexp
C-M-t       Transpose sexps

Hide-show code blocks (minor mode is activated where useful)

C-c x h     Hide all foldable code blocks in buffer
C-c x s     Show all folded code blocks in buffer
C-c x x     Toggle code folding for block at point

Clojure/CIDER-Mode specific (for more see CIDER shortcuts)

C-c M-j     Start new REPL
C-c M-c     Connect to existing REPL
C-c C-c     Compile and evaluate current toplevel sexp
C-u C-c C-c As before, but show result in buffer
C-c C-f     Compile and evaluate toplevel sexp in REPL
C-c C-k     Compile and load complete buffer
C-c C-p     Recompile and load whole project
C-c s       Recompile and restart system
C-c C-e     Evaluate sexp preceding point and display result in echo area
C-c l       Save sexp at point
C-c C-l     Eval saved sexp
C-c C-x     Clear REPL buffer
C-c C-z     Jump to REPL buffer
C-c M-p     Copy toplevel sexp to REPL buffer
C-c M-n n   Switch REPL namespace to buffer
C-c M-m     Macroexpand-1 preceding sexp
C-c C-t t   Run single test at point
C-c C-t n   Run tests for namespace
C-c C-t p   Run tests for project
C-c C-v     Refactorings (see link below)
M-.         Jump to definition
M-,         Jump back
C-c C-d     Show docs for function
C-c C-j     Show Javadoc in browser
C-c C-i     Reindent defn
C-.         Mark all symbols in defn (multiple cursors)
C-M-.       Mark all symbols like this (multiple cursors)
Tab         Reindent, then auto-complete

Clojure Refactoring shortcuts

CIDER-REPL-Mode specific (for more see CIDER shortcuts)

Enter       Evaluate entered sexp
Tab         Complete symbol at point
C-Up        Back through REPL history
C-Down      Forward through REPL history
C-c C-b     Cancel current evaluation
C-c C-u     Clear input before point
C-c C-o     Clear previous REPL buffer output
C-u C-c C-o Clear REPL buffer output
C-c C-q     Quit CIDER session / kill REPL
C-c C-Enter Restart component system
C-c f       Start figwheel for ClojureScript REPL
C-c q       Quit ClojureScript REPL

Web-Mode (see also project page)

C-7         Close tag
C-c C-i     Indent buffer
M-;         Toggle comment
C-c C-n     Jump to end/begin tag
C-c C-f     Toggle block folding
C-c C-d d   Detect tag mismatch
C-c C-e i   Insert element (interactive)
C-c C-e l   Insert link (interactive)
C-c C-a i   Insert attribute (interactive)
C-c q q     Toggle folding


C-c C-c     Eval top-level sexp
C-x C-e     Eval last elisp sexp
C-.         Mark all symbols in defun (multiple cursors)
C-M-.       Mark all symbols like this (multiple cursors)

Treemacs Mode

?           Show hydra
q           Close treemacs
C-Escape    Close treemacs
Tab         Expand / Collapse dir
Enter       Load file in buffer

Org Mode (see also refcard and org guide)

Bindings in Org buffer

M-Enter     Add next item
M-S-Enter   Add next TODO or [ ] item
M-Left      Decrease heading level
M-Right     Increase heading level
M-Up        Move up within level
M-Down      Move down with level
Tab         Cycle folding
S-Tab       Cycle global folding
S-Left      On heading:  cycle status backward
            On item:     cycle bullet style
            In calendar: previous day
S-Right     On heading:  cycle status forward
			On item:     cycle bullet style
	        In calendar: next day
S-Up        On heading:  cycle priority backward
            On item:     move up within section
S-Down      On heading: cycle priority forward
         	On item:     move down within section
C-c ^       Sort items
C-c .       Add date
C-t         Define tags
C-c C-t ... Set heading status
C-c C-d     Add deadline date to section
C-c C-s     Add schedule date to section
C-c C-c     Toggle checkbox [ ] <-> [X], fix date, relayout table etc.
C-c C-z     Add note to section
C-c C-l     Insert link
C-c / ...   Filter by ...
C-c a ...   Open agenda

Bindings in Org agenda buffer

q           Quit
g           Refresh
s           Save all Org buffers
.           Go to today
f           Go forward in time
b           Go backward in time
t           Set TODO status
C-c C-s     Schedule item
C-c C-d     Set deadline for item
I           Start clock
O           Stop clock
X           Cancel running clock


q           Close calendar
i d         Insert new diary entry

Notmuch E-Mail / saved searches overview aka notmuch-hello

?           Display help
q           Close window
m           Compose new message
C-u m       Compose new message, ask for sender first
j           Jump to query
g           Refresh view
G           Notmuch sync with POP3 and IMAP servers

Notmuch E-Mail / search results as list of messages and threads

?           Display help
q           Close window
o           Toggle ordering of messages
t           Filter by tag
E           Edit current search
Z           Toggle tree view
U           Unthreaded view
+           Add tag
-           Remove tag
g           Refresh view
G           Notmuch sync with POP3 and IMAP servers
r           Reply to sender
R           Reply to all
m           Compose new message
C-u m       Compose new message, ask for sender first

Notmuch E-Mail / view single message or thread of messages

?           Display help
q           Close window
r           Reply to sender
R           Reply to all
f           Forward message
e           Resume editing of draft
+           Add tag
-           Remove tag
w           Save all attachments
m           Compose new message
C-u m       Compose new message, ask for sender first

Notmuch E-Mail / new message composition

C-c C-b     Go to body
C-c C-f C-s Go to Subject: header field
C-c C-f C-t Go to To: header field
C-c C-f C-c Go to Cc: header field
C-c C-f C-b Go to Bcc: header field
C-x C-s     Save (as draft)
C-c C-c     Send and exit
C-c C-s     Send
C-c C-d     Don't send and exit
C-c t       Replace contents with mail template
C-c C-a     Add attachment
To remove an attachment just delete the markup from the message body.


Emacs configuration files






No packages published