Source Code
The source code for my personal web page
3rd party tools, libraries and services used in this project:
- Served with Jekyll.
- Hosted on GitHub Pages.
- Icons from Font Awesome.
- CSS styled with Sass, Bulma and Rouge.
- JavaScript compiled with Google Closure Compiler.
- VS Code tasks located in
, are used during development.
To manage Ruby versions I use rbenv.
Make sure to have an updated version of Ruby installed before proceeding.
Ensure all dependencies are installed:
$ bundle install
To run the Jekyll server locally:
$ bundle exec jekyll serve
To update the Ruby gems:
$ bundle update
To manage Node versions I use Node Version Manager (nvm).
Because Dart Sass interferes with Ruby Sass:
$ whereis sass
sass: /home/username/.rbenv/shims/sass /home/username/.nvm/versions/node/v22.3.0/bin/sass
I use npx
to easily run Dart Sass, exporting the npm path to the shell would also be possible:
$ export PATH="/home/username/.nvm/versions/node/v22.3.0/bin:$PATH"
To install Dart Sass globally:
$ npm install -g sass
To install Google Closure Compiler globally:
$ npm install -g google-closure-compiler