MTL-style type-class and deriving-via newtypes for Amazonka.
This package allows incorporation of AWS actions into any MTL-style function,
import Amazonka.Data.Text (ToText(..))
import Amazonka.S3.ListObjects
import Amazonka.S3.Types.Object
import Blammo.Logging
import Conduit
import Control.Lens hiding ((.=))
import Control.Monad.AWS as AWS
:: ( MonadIO m
, MonadLogger m
, MonadAWS m
, MonadReader env m
, HasSettings env
=> m ()
someAction = do
Settings {..} <- view settingsL
keys <-
$ paginate (newListObjects settingsBucketName)
.| concatMapC (^. listObjectsResponse_contents)
.| concatC
.| mapC (^. object_key . to toText)
.| iterMC (\k -> logDebug $ k :# [])
.| sinkList
logInfo $ "Bucket contents" :# ["keys" .= keys]
This package also provides a number of options for execution:
- Through a concrete transformer:
- Through your own reader env and deriving-via:
This package also provides mechanisms for mocking AWS in tests:
- Through a concrete transformer:
- Through your own reader env and deriving-via:
Please see the documentation on hackage for all the details.
stack build --fast --pedantic --test --file-watch