Define syntax, parser, pretty-printer, random generators, inference, and unification Atomically. Combine Atoms into Molecular ASTs parameterised by the types of Atoms they contain. Compose rewrite systems from Transformations and Reductions that operate over classes of Molecules.
- Parser
- Pretty Printer
- Random Generators
- Type Inference
- Unification
- Atoms.Molecule contains generic Molecular definitions
- Atoms.Elements contains a library of Atomic syntactic elements
- Atoms.Chemistry.Reductions contains rules that eliminate elements from a Molecule
- Atoms.Chemistry.Transformations contains rules that transform but do not guarantee elimination
- Atoms.Chemistry.Cascades contains fixed point applications of Transformations
- Atoms.Chemistry.Telescopes contains Telescopes of Reductions and Cascades
- Atoms.Chemistry.Extractions contains Extraction traversals
- Atoms.Chemistry.Solutions contains solver plugins for finding solutions to Constraints model Molecules
This is the Or atom. It is simply a Functor over h. Hypertypes (alternatively a simpler functor Fix could be employed) and VariantF allow h to be polymorphic over the elements in the molecule to which Or belongs.
data Or h = Or h h
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Foldable, Traversable)
instance Functor Or where
fmap f (Or l r) = Or (f l) (f r)
Defining a random generator implementation for Or is simple. This is dispatched to from a Molecule generator. A better implementation of Gen1 would allow for a recursion limit.
instance Gen1 IO Or where
liftGen _ = Or <$> gen <*> gen
Pretty printing can be defined in a similar manner.
instance Pretty1 Or where
liftPrintPrec prec lPrec lvl p (Or a b) =
((prec lvl p a) <+> Pretty.text "\\/" <+> (prec lvl p b)) & Pretty.parens
Perhaps surprisingly we can define a parser by atomic dispatch too. The current implementation is very inefficient for large left recursive terms.
-- Discriminator allows us to ask for an LR or non-LR term
instance (Ord e) => ASumPrecLR Discriminator (ParsecT e Text m) Or where
liftASumPrecLR NotLeftRecursive p = ( minBound, empty )
liftASumPrecLR LeftRecursive p =
( 42 -- a precedence for this parser
, try $ do
l <- p NotLeftRecursive
_ <- symbol "\\/"
r <- (try (p NotLeftRecursive)) <|> p LeftRecursive
pure $ Or l r
Inference and unification can also be defined generically and dispatched to the atoms of a molecule using Hypertypes generic inference and unification machinery.
instance ( HasF Or g
, HasF TypeBool g
, ForAllIn Functor g
) => Infer1 m (Molecule (VariantF g)) Or where
liftInferBody (Or a b) = do
InferredChild aI aT <- inferChild a
InferredChild bI bT <- inferChild b
expected <- MkANode <$> newTerm (Molecule (toVariantF TypeBool))
unify (aT ^. _ANode) (expected ^. _ANode)
((Molecule (toVariantF (Or aI bI)), ) . MkANode) <$> unify (aT ^. _ANode) (bT ^. _ANode)
instance HasTypeConstraints1 g Or where
verifyConstraints1 _ _ = Nothing
instance ZipMatchable1 g Or where
zipJoin1 (Or ll rl) (Or lr rr) = Just (Or (ll :*: lr) (rl :*: rr))
Rewrite rules exist at the class level and operate over categories of trees that satisfy their contraints.
class ( HasF Not t
, ForAllIn Functor t
, ForAllIn Foldable t
, ForAllIn Traversable t
, Follow (Locate Not t) t ~ Not
, FromSides (Locate Not t)
) => DoubleNegation t where
doubleNegation :: STRef s Bool
-> VariantF t (Pure # Molecule (VariantF t))
-> ST s (Pure # Molecule (VariantF t))
This is the class signature for the rule that eliminates double negation. Its class constraints permit it to operate on any AST containing the atom Not. The (STRef s Bool) parameter is a flag allowing the rule to say whether it changed anything and is used for applying a rule until a fixed point is reached.
Rules being classes allows for DoubleNegation to be employed as a class constraint in the composition of rules.
Writing the instance for this rule requires testing type equality of a node in the AST to check whether it is Not. This is simply lifting standard pattern matching to work with Molecular AST type level machinary.
instance ( HasF Not t
, ForAllIn Functor t
, ForAllIn Foldable t
, ForAllIn Traversable t
, Follow (Locate Not t) t ~ Not
, FromSides (Locate Not t)
) => DoubleNegation t where
doubleNegation changed (VariantF (tag :: SSide ss) res) =
case testEquality tag (fromSides @(Locate Not t)) of
Just Refl ->
case res of
Not (Pure (Molecule (VariantF (tagi :: SSide ssi) resi))) ->
case testEquality tagi (fromSides @(Locate Not t)) of
Just Refl ->
case resi of
Not a -> do
writeSTRef changed True
pure a
Nothing -> pure $ Pure $ Molecule (VariantF tag res)
Nothing -> pure $ Pure $ Molecule (VariantF tag res)
It would be more convenient to write this rule using standard Haskell pattern matching syntax. e.g.
doubleNegation (Not (Not a)) = a
doubleNegation x = x
To this end the Haskell parser and syntax tree can be reflected and repurposed into a DSL using Template Haskell.
We can write an equivalent rule like so.
doubleNegation (Not (Not a)) = a
This Template Haskell Quasi Quoter will template a class and instance named DoubleNegation for us enabling the writing of concise and easy to read rules. The template fills in the default case for us which is no change to the node and updates the STRef parameter in the case of match success. [The transformation quoter supports a subset of Haskell syntax including pattern guards that is repurposed to form this DSL].
For rules of moderate complexity Template Haskell becomes necessary for the sanity of the rule writer. Tautology by variable name equality expands from this
-- p \/ !p = True
tautology ((Not (Variable a)) `Or` (Variable b)) | a == b =
Just (Pure (Molecule (toVariantF (LitBool True))))
-- !p \/ p = True
tautology ((Variable a) `Or` (Not (Variable b))) | a == b =
Just (iLitBool True)
-- (x \/ !p) \/ p = True
tautology ((x `Or` (Variable a)) `Or` (Not (Variable b))) | a == b =
Just (iLitBool True)
-- (x \/ p) \/ !p = True
tautology ((x `Or` (Not (Variable a))) `Or` (Variable b)) | a == b =
Just (iLitBool True)
to this
class (Type.Set.VariantF.HasF LitBool f_aAb9,
Type.Set.VariantF.HasF Not f_aAb9,
Type.Set.VariantF.HasF Or f_aAb9,
Type.Set.VariantF.HasF Variable f_aAb9,
Type.Set.Variant.FromSides (Type.Set.Locate LitBool f_aAb9),
Type.Set.Variant.FromSides (Type.Set.Locate Not f_aAb9),
Type.Set.Variant.FromSides (Type.Set.Locate Or f_aAb9),
Type.Set.Variant.FromSides (Type.Set.Locate Variable f_aAb9),
Type.Set.Follow (Type.Set.Locate LitBool f_aAb9) f_aAb9 ~ LitBool,
Type.Set.Follow (Type.Set.Locate Not f_aAb9) f_aAb9 ~ Not,
Type.Set.Follow (Type.Set.Locate Or f_aAb9) f_aAb9 ~ Or,
Type.Set.Follow (Type.Set.Locate Variable f_aAb9) f_aAb9
~ Variable,
Type.Set.Variant.ForAllIn Functor f_aAb9,
Type.Set.Variant.ForAllIn Foldable f_aAb9,
Type.Set.Variant.ForAllIn Traversable f_aAb9) => Tautology f_aAb9 where
tautology ::
STRef s_aAba Bool
-> Type.Set.VariantF.VariantF f_aAb9 ((#) Hyper.Type.Pure.Pure (Atoms.Molecule.AST.Molecule (Type.Set.VariantF.VariantF f_aAb9)))
-> ST s_aAba ((#) Hyper.Type.Pure.Pure (Atoms.Molecule.AST.Molecule (Type.Set.VariantF.VariantF f_aAb9)))
instance (Type.Set.VariantF.HasF LitBool f_aAb9,
Type.Set.VariantF.HasF Not f_aAb9,
Type.Set.VariantF.HasF Or f_aAb9,
Type.Set.VariantF.HasF Variable f_aAb9,
Type.Set.Variant.FromSides (Type.Set.Locate LitBool f_aAb9),
Type.Set.Variant.FromSides (Type.Set.Locate Not f_aAb9),
Type.Set.Variant.FromSides (Type.Set.Locate Or f_aAb9),
Type.Set.Variant.FromSides (Type.Set.Locate Variable f_aAb9),
Type.Set.Follow (Type.Set.Locate LitBool f_aAb9) f_aAb9 ~ LitBool,
Type.Set.Follow (Type.Set.Locate Not f_aAb9) f_aAb9 ~ Not,
Type.Set.Follow (Type.Set.Locate Or f_aAb9) f_aAb9 ~ Or,
Type.Set.Follow (Type.Set.Locate Variable f_aAb9) f_aAb9
~ Variable,
Type.Set.Variant.ForAllIn Functor f_aAb9,
Type.Set.Variant.ForAllIn Foldable f_aAb9,
Type.Set.Variant.ForAllIn Traversable f_aAb9) =>
Tautology f_aAb9 where
tautology changed_aAbb node_aAbm@(VariantF tag res)
= case
[case (testEquality tag) (fromSides @(Locate Or f_aAb9)) of
Just Refl
-> case res of {
Or (Pure (Molecule (VariantF tag0 res0)))
(Pure (Molecule (VariantF tag1 res1)))
-> case (testEquality tag0) (fromSides @(Locate Not f_aAb9)) of
Just Refl
-> case res0 of {
Not (Pure (Molecule (VariantF tag0_0 res0_0)))
-> case
(testEquality tag0_0)
(fromSides @(Locate Variable f_aAb9))
Just Refl
-> case res0_0 of {
Variable var_aAbc
-> case
(testEquality tag1)
@(Locate Variable f_aAb9))
Just Refl
-> case res1 of
Variable var_aAbd
| var_aAbc == var_aAbd
-> Just
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing }
_ -> Nothing }
_ -> Nothing }
_ -> Nothing,
case (testEquality tag) (fromSides @(Locate Or f_aAb9)) of
Just Refl
-> case res of {
Or (Pure (Molecule (VariantF tag0 res0)))
(Pure (Molecule (VariantF tag1 res1)))
-> case
(testEquality tag0) (fromSides @(Locate Variable f_aAb9))
Just Refl
-> case res0 of {
Variable var_aAbe
-> case
(testEquality tag1)
(fromSides @(Locate Not f_aAb9))
Just Refl
-> case res1 of {
Not (Pure (Molecule (VariantF tag1_0 res1_0)))
-> case
(testEquality tag1_0)
@(Locate Variable f_aAb9))
Just Refl
-> case res1_0 of
Variable var_aAbf
| var_aAbe == var_aAbf
-> Just (iLitBool True)
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing }
_ -> Nothing }
_ -> Nothing }
_ -> Nothing,
case (testEquality tag) (fromSides @(Locate Or f_aAb9)) of
Just Refl
-> case res of {
Or (Pure (Molecule (VariantF tag0 res0)))
(Pure (Molecule (VariantF tag1 res1)))
-> case (testEquality tag0) (fromSides @(Locate Or f_aAb9)) of
Just Refl
-> case res0 of {
Or var_aAbi (Pure (Molecule (VariantF tag0_1 res0_1)))
-> case
(testEquality tag0_1)
(fromSides @(Locate Variable f_aAb9))
Just Refl
-> case res0_1 of {
Variable var_aAbg
-> case
(testEquality tag1)
(fromSides @(Locate Not f_aAb9))
Just Refl
-> case res1 of {
Not (Pure (Molecule (VariantF tag1_0
-> case
(testEquality tag1_0)
@(Locate Variable f_aAb9))
Just Refl
-> case res1_0 of
Variable var_aAbh
| var_aAbg
== var_aAbh
-> Just
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing }
_ -> Nothing }
_ -> Nothing }
_ -> Nothing }
_ -> Nothing,
case (testEquality tag) (fromSides @(Locate Or f_aAb9)) of
Just Refl
-> case res of {
Or (Pure (Molecule (VariantF tag0 res0)))
(Pure (Molecule (VariantF tag1 res1)))
-> case (testEquality tag0) (fromSides @(Locate Or f_aAb9)) of
Just Refl
-> case res0 of {
Or var_aAbl (Pure (Molecule (VariantF tag0_1 res0_1)))
-> case
(testEquality tag0_1)
(fromSides @(Locate Not f_aAb9))
Just Refl
-> case res0_1 of {
Not (Pure (Molecule (VariantF tag0_1_0
-> case
(testEquality tag0_1_0)
@(Locate Variable f_aAb9))
Just Refl
-> case res0_1_0 of {
Variable var_aAbj
-> case
(testEquality tag1)
@(Locate Variable f_aAb9))
Just Refl
-> case res1 of
Variable var_aAbk
| var_aAbj
== var_aAbk
-> Just
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing }
_ -> Nothing }
_ -> Nothing }
_ -> Nothing }
_ -> Nothing]
Nothing -> (pure $ Pure (Molecule node_aAbm))
Just so_aAbs
-> do (writeSTRef changed_aAbb) True
pure so_aAbs
maysum_aAbn :: [Maybe a_aAbo] -> Maybe a_aAbo
maysum_aAbn [] = Nothing
maysum_aAbn (Just v_aAbp : _) = Just v_aAbp
maysum_aAbn (Nothing : r_aAbq) = maysum_aAbn r_aAbq
Whilst templating may seem like an ugly hack the templated code is highly generic and the author believes that the benefits of this construction outweigh the costs. Since these rules are so generic testing can be greatly simplified. The rule writer may write tests on tiny Molecules of syntax containing only the fragments relevant to the test. Thus verifying the correctness of a rule can be done in a vaccuum over a universe of very simple cases.
- The current parser implementation is very inefficient for large left recursive terms. This is fixable by employing better expression parsing by building a parser in Text.Megaparsec.Expr style.
- Currently optimisation level is set to -O0 since anything higher causes memory exhaustion due to excessive inlining. Suspected cause is reduction rules - perhaps there is a better way of doing term elimination.