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Install ERPNext on RedHat based systems

Anand Doshi edited this page May 23, 2013 · 15 revisions

If not root user

sudo su

Installing Pre-Requisites

cd ~
yum update python -y
yum install python-setuptools MySQL-python httpd mysql mysql-server mysql-devel git memcached -y
easy_install pip
pip install pytz python-dateutil jinja2 markdown2 termcolor python-memcached requests chardet dropbox google-api-python-client pygeoip
service httpd start
service mysqld start
memcached -d -l -p 11211 -m 64 -u apache
mysqladmin -u root password [NEW PASSWORD]

memcached -d -l -p 11211 -m [64 or more mb of ram] -u apache

Other useful programs

yum install ntp vim screen -y
service ntpd start
rpm -i
yum install htop -y


Complications faced by CPanel users

If you are using CPanel, you are likely to face perl dependency issues when installing git. To install git in this case, follow this procedure:

  1. vim /etc/yum.conf, remove perl* from exclude list and save the file
  2. yum install git -y
  3. vim /etc/yum.conf, add perl* back to exclude list and save the file


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