Django Legal Advice Builder is a django app the can be used to create, edit and display multi-step questionaires and display the answers to those questionaires in an predefined document template. Basically it implements the three following functionalities:
- UI to create questionaires with questions and branching
- UI to create documents with textblocks that can include answers of the users and that can be displayed or not displayed based on the user's answer.
- UI to display questioniares and documents (can also be downloaded as PDF)
For a quickstart just to see what the project is about you can pull and install the demo repository.
To add the legal-advice-app to your Django Project you need to:
pip install git+
urlpatterns = [
path('advice-builder', include('legal_advice_builder.urls')),
Per default only users who have access to the django admin (have the flag is_staff
) are allowed to access those urls. If you want to change this, please checkout 5).
* add a view that inherits from FormWizardView and
* overwrites `get_lawcase()`
* overwrite `legal_advice_builder/form_wizard.html`
e.g. like this:
from legal_advice_builder.models import LawCase
from legal_advice_builder.views import FormWizardView
class LawCaseForm(FormWizardView):
def get_lawcase(self):
pk = self.kwargs.get('pk')
return LawCase.objects.get(pk=pk)
If you don't do anything only users who have access to the django admin (have the flag is_staff
) have access to the urls that you added in step 3.
To change this, add a mixin that inherits from django.contrib.auth.mixins.UserPassesTestMixin
and overwrite test_func
with your custom permission code.
Then add the full import path to your django settings as LEGAL_ADVICE_BUILDER_PERMISSION_MIXIN
For example, if you wanted to have every user have access to the admin you could create a new Mixin
from django.contrib.auth.mixins import UserPassesTestMixin
class AllowAccessToAdminToEveryonaMixin(UserPassesTestMixin):
def test_func(self):
return True
then add the following line to your django settings.
LEGAL_ADVICE_BUILDER_PERMISSION_MIXIN = '<your-import-path-to-mixin>.AllowAccessToAdminToEveryonaMixin'
Check the Demo Project for reference.