PAY ATTENTION!!!!! This version of valuenetwork is a fork of the FreedomCoop version, itself a fork of the original NRP software by Mikorizal in collaboration with Sensorica.
This fork will enable a full internal exchange network with mutual credit system, in addition to the existing comons-based collaborative production and value equation system.
A prototype of Value Network Accounting, being developed in collaboration with , a pioneering value network.
We mean Accounting in a large sense. We are developing something analogous to an ERP system for value networks. Might call it NRP for Network Resource Planning.
Background on Value Networks:
The prototype used the starter project, built on the Django framework.
See /docs/install.txt for developer installation instructions or
See /docs/install_ocp_debian_apache_ssl.rst for installation on debian-apache-ssl server.
The valueaccounting app could be split out and used in other Django projects.
Roadmap moved to