This repository contains the code for the paper "Contextual Recurrent Neural Networks"
You can install the library with pip
$ git clone
$ (cd contextual_rnn; pip install -e .)
import tensorflow as tf
import contextual_rnn
cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell(50)
zero = cell
variable = contextual_rnn.rnn_cell.FreeStateCell(cell)
learned = contextual_rnn.rnn_cell.LearnedStateCell(cell)
learned_distribution = contextual_rnn.rnn_cell.LearnedDistributionStateCell(cell)
batch_size = 10
inputs = tf.zeros([batch_size, 5, 2], dtype=tf.float32)
zero_state = zero.zero_state(
batch_size, dtype=tf.float32)
variable_state = variable.zero_state(
batch_size, dtype=tf.float32)
learned_state = learned.zero_state(
inputs[:, 0], dtype=tf.float32)
learned_distribution_state = learned_distribution.zero_state(
inputs[:, 0], training=True)
python -m contextual_rnn.train_art --job-dir jobs/ --state-type zero --k 8 --seed 42
python -m contextual_rnn.train_art --job-dir jobs/ --state-type learned --k 8 --seed 42
python -m contextual_rnn.train_lcd --job-dir jobs/ --state-type zero --seed 42
python -m contextual_rnn.train_lcd --job-dir jobs/ --state-type learned-distribution --seed 42
We used pipenv to manage dependencies and versions
pipenv install
pipenv shell
title={Contextual Recurrent Neural Networks},
author={Wenke, Sam and Fleming, Jim},