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Brightbox Cloud module for fog (The Ruby cloud services library)

This gem is a module for the fog gem that allows you to manage resources in the Brightbox Cloud.

It is included by the main fog meta-gem but can used as an independent library in other applications.

This includes support for the following services:

  • Compute
    • Accounts
    • Api Clients
    • Applications (User Credentials)
    • Cloud IPs
    • Cloud SQL (Database Server)
    • Database Snapshots
    • Firewall Policies and Rules
    • Images
    • Load Balancers
    • Servers
    • Server Groups
    • Server Types (Flavors)
    • Users
    • User Collaborations
    • Volumes
    • Zones
  • Storage (Orbit via Switch compatibility)
    • Directories
    • Files


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "fog-brightbox"

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install fog-brightbox


This code can use fog's credentials or can be configured by passing in the details to the Fog::Brightbox::Config.

Using fog

Assuming credentials are setup as expected by fog, the configuration can be used as such:

@config =

Using options Hash

Alternatively credentials can be set using a Hash of options:

@config =
    brightbox_client_id: "cli-12345",
    brightbox_secret: "<demo-value>"

See Fog::Brightbox::Config's documentation for all possible settings.


Here is a basic example of usage:

require "fog/brightbox"

# Passing either a configuration object or Hash of options are supported
@service =
  brightbox_client_id: "acc-12345",
  brightbox_secret: "<demo-value>"

# Request all servers using the class method
servers = @service.servers.all
servers.each do |server|

An alternative using a configuration object instead:

require "fog/brightbox"

@config =
  brightbox_client_id: "acc-12345",
  brightbox_secret: "<demo-value>"
@service =
# Use service as normal

The main advantages of using a configuration option is that it can be set from the main Fog.credentials which could be configured for numerous service providers.

Fog::Brightbox::Config also wraps around credentials itself so will manage OAuth access and refresh tokens. This can be disabled with the brightbox_token_management: false setting.

Please see the following references for instructions using the main fog gem and its modules:

Brightbox CLI

It may be that our Brightbox CLI (based on this library) is suitable for you than using the library directly.

Ruby version support

As required by the main fog-core library, support for Ruby 1.9 was dropped in v1.0.0 of this gem.

Upstream changes on dependencies have resulted in support failing for Ruby <2.3 from v1.12.0 due to some libraries failing to declare usage of newer language features in their own gemspec files.

As of 2024 fog-core is only testing for Ruby 3.0+ support.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.