This is the first release of the forked FMD project maintained by SDXC.
Since this project has a new home, some of the update links, etc. won't work if you still use the old version of FMD. Install/Update instructions can be found after the changelog.
- Added ScanOP [FR] (riderkick#1716)
- Removed DejameProbar [ES]
- Removed MangaID [ID]
- Removed MangajinNoFansub [ES]
- Removed OtakuFile [ID]
- GManga: Fixed chapter download (riderkick#1704, riderkick#1683)
- HentaiChanRU: Fixed URL (riderkick#1684)
- HitomiLa: Fixed chapter download (riderkick#1696)
- KirishimaFansub: Fixed URL (riderkick#1712)
- Komikcast: Fixed all -> Thank you AbidZakaria (riderkick#1715)
- LHTranslation: Fixed all -> Thank you AbidZakaria (#2, riderkick#1693)
- MangaFox: Fixed getting page links -> Thank you 1aam2am1 (riderkick#1700)
- MangaFoxFun: Fixed chapter download -> Thank you AbidZakaria (riderkick#1701)
- MangaHubIO: Fixed chapter download -> Thank you AbidZakaria (riderkick#1689, riderkick#1701)
- MangaShiro: Fixed all -> Thank you AbidZakaria (riderkick#1712)
- Pururin: Fixed page links URL -> Thank you boppen (riderkick#1685)
- ScanFR: Fixed manga info (riderkick#1716, riderkick#1708)
- TonariNoYoungJump: You can now hide private chapters in the "Manga Info" tab (see "Options"->"Websites"->"Options") (riderkick#1722)
- Fixed position of "New Chapters" dialog window when using more than one monitor
- Fixed LUA update URLs not being updated in luamodules.json
Installation / Migration
Before you migrate your old installation to the new version of this fork, make sure to backup your installation folder!
The new packages are built the same way as the old ones. Just unzip everything into the install folder and overwrite the files. Your settings, db files, etc. won't be touched by this procedure. The lua files update should pop up after you start fmd.exe. The base.ini now points to this repository. Future updates should be available through the updater.
Alternatively you can just replace the base.ini in the config folder. When you start fmd.exe it should find the new version by checking this repository.
Issues and Workarounds
Please note, that this repository has a wiki where you already can find some detailed Cloudflare workarounds and much more pages will come.
Please report any issues on this repository:
I will look on riderkicks repository for some time, though.