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@github-actions github-actions released this 20 Apr 10:45
· 1372 commits to main since this release

Flux v0.29.0 comes with new features and improvements. Users are encouraged to upgrade for the best experience.

Breaking changes

  • From this release on, the RUNTIME_NAMESPACE environment variable is no longer taken into account to configure the advertised HTTP/S
    address of the storage. Instead, variable substitution must be used, as described in the changelog entry for v0.5.2.
  • Use of file-based KubeConfig options are now permanently disabled (e.g. TLSClientConfig.CAFile, TLSClientConfig.KeyFile, TLSClientConfig.CertFile and BearerTokenFile). The drive behind the change was to discourage insecure practices of mounting Kubernetes tokens inside the controller's container file system.
  • Use of TLSClientConfig.Insecure in KubeConfig file is disabled by default, but can be enabled at controller level with the flag --insecure-kubeconfig-tls.
  • Use of ExecProvider in KubeConfig file is now disabled by default, but can be enabled at controller level with the flag --insecure-kubeconfig-exec.

Features and improvements

Notification Improvements

A new notification is now emitted to identify recovery from failures. It is triggered when a failed reconciliation is followed by a successful one, and the notification message is the same that's sent in usual successful source reconciliation message about the stored artifact.

In-memory cache for HelmRepository

The opt-in in-memory cache for HelmRepository addresses issues where the index file is loaded and unmarshalled in concurrent reconciliation resulting in a heavy memory footprint. It can be configured using the flags: --helm-cache-max-size, --helm-cache-ttl, --helm-cache-purge-interval.

Configurable retention of Source Artifacts

Garbage Collection is enabled by default, and now its retention options are configurable with the flags: --artifact-retention-ttl (default: 60s) and --artifact-retention-records (default: 2). They define the minimum time to live and the maximum amount of artifacts to survive a collection.

Configurable Key Exchange Algorithms for SSH connections

The Key Exchange Algorithms used when establishing SSH connections are based on the defaults configured upstream in go-git and Now this can be overriden with the flag --ssh-kex-algos. Note this applies to the go-git gitImplementation or the libgit2 gitImplementation but only when Managed Transport is being used.

Configurable Exponential Back-off retry settings

The exponential back-off retry can be configured with the new flags: --min-retry-delay (default: 750ms) and --max-retry-delay (default: 15min). Previously the defaults were set to 5ms and 1000s, which in some cases impaired the controller's ability to self-heal (e.g. retrying failing SSH connections).

Experimental managed transport for libgit2 Git implementation

Managed Transport for libgit2 now introduces self-healing capabilities, to recover from failure when long-running connections become stale.

SOPS refactored and optimized

SOPS implementation was refactored to include various improvements and extended code coverage. Age identities are now imported once and reused multiple times, optimizing CPU and memory usage between decryption operations.

Helm chart directory loader improvements

Introduction of a secure directory loader which improves the handling of Helm charts paths.

Components Changelog

Other changes since last minor release:

CLI Changelog