This package is to interact with the World Weather Online API. It was developed for Laravel 4. It will return a temperature or the full weather object given a location.
- Install Composer:
- Edit the composer.json file in your laravel project and add: "floodedcodeboy/world-weather-online-laravel": "dev-master" in the "require" section.
- Run "composer update"
- Get an API key with World Weather Online:
- Edit the config.php file in vendor/floodedcodeboy/world-weather-online-laravel/src/config and put the API key in
- Add the Service provider in your app/config/app.php under 'providers': Floodedcodeboy\WorldWeatherOnline\WorldWeatherOnlineServiceProvider
In your app create the object, and call the appropriate functions.
$WorldWeatherOnline = App::make('worldweatheronline');
$location = 'London, UK';
$temperature = $WorldWeatherOnline::current_temp($location);
$condition = $WorldWeatherOnline::current_conditions($location);
$location2 = '-33.8678500, 151.2073200';
$temperature = $WorldWeatherOnline::current_temp($location2);
$condition = $WorldWeatherOnline::current_conditions($location2);