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henforcer is a Haskell enforcer of checks to help keep your forest of Haskell modules organized cleanly.


henforcer has not yet been released to hackage, so you should install it from source either by cloning and building the repo, or adding a extra dep to your stack.yaml like below and running stack install henforcer

- git:
  commit: <SHA of the latest master commit>

_Note: henforcer requires a handful of packages that are not on stackage as of lts-23.6. The following is likely to needed in the extra-deps section of your stack.yaml

# henforcer needs pollock
- pollock-


henforcer is a GHC plugin, thus it is executed during compilation. To enable the plugin during compilation with cabal or stack, add henforcer as a dependency in your cabal file or package.yaml as applicable and add -fplugin Henforcer to ghc-flags. Specifying plugin options is done with ghc-flags as well. Currently only supported is the path to the configuration, which if it is at foo/bar/henforcer.toml this would be as "-fplugin-opt=Henforcer:-cfoo/bar/henforcer.toml".


henforcer uses TOML files for configuration. You can use a empty toml file as a beginning configuration. Using such and running henforcer will not report errors.

Configuration concepts and options are described below. Also the examples/henforcer.toml file shows a variety of usage possibilities.


Module Trees

henforcer uses "module trees" as part of its configuration. A "module tree" refers to a root module (e.g. Data.Text) and all the modules are prefixed by it (e.g. Data.Text.Encoding and Data.Text.Lazy). For modules in your project this almost always means a src/Foo/MyModule.hs file and any .hs files contained inside the src/Foo/MyModule directory.

Configuration reference


The forAnyModule key is a TOML table containing all of the checks that apply when compiling any given module. You can think of these as "global" but they do not apply to multiple modules at once.

fieldName type required description
allowedAliasUniqueness AllowedAliasUniqueness no Specifies either that all aliases in the module being compiled are unique except for some, or that a given set of aliases is unique but others may be duplicated.
allowedOpenUnaliasedImports non-negative int no Specifies how many imports are allowed to be done without using the qualified keyword, or using an alias
allowedQualifications array of AllowedQualification no Represents how certain modules should be imported. This can be thought of as a map of module name to a list of ways that module may be imported.
encapsulatedTrees array of string yes Lets you declare that the root of a module tree is effectively a public interface that any modules outside the tree should be using. henforcer will report an error if any module outside the tree attempts to import a module from inside the encapsulated tree.
maximumExportsPlusHeaderUndocumented non-negative integer no Maximum number of exported items, along with the module header, from a module that may be missing Haddock documentation.
minimumExportsPlusHeaderDocumented non-negative integer no Minimum number of exported items, along with the module header, from a module that must have Haddock documentation.
maximumExportsWithoutSince non-negative integer no Maximum number of exported items from a module that can be lacking the @since annotation in their Haddock.
minimumExportsWithSince non-negative integer no Minimum number of exported items from a module that must have in their Haddock the @since annotation.
moduleHeaderCopyrightMustExistNonEmpty boolean no If the Haddock module header field of Copyright must be populated.
moduleHeaderDescriptionMustExistNonEmpty boolean no If the Haddock module header field of Description must be populated.
moduleHeaderLicenseMustExistNonEmpty boolean no If the Haddock module header field of License must be populated.
moduleHeaderMaintainerMustExistNonEmpty boolean no If the Haddock module header field of Maintainer must be populated.
treeDependencies array of TreeDependency no Declares that one module tree depends on other trees. Declaring such a dependency tells henforcer that you don't want the dependency targets to import anything from the dependent tree, which would cause a backwards dependency rendering the two module trees logically inseparable.


Henforcer allows for certain rules to be overridden on a module by module basis. When provided, the most specific rule will be applied.

fieldName type required description
module string yes module is a string of the module name the rules in this table will apply to.
allowedAliasUniqueness AllowedAliasUniqueness no Specifies either that all aliases in the module being compiled are unique except for some, or that a given set of aliases is unique but others may be duplicated.
allowedOpenUnaliasedImports non-negative int no Specifies how many imports are allowed to be done without using the qualified keyword, or using an alias
allowedQualifications array of AllowedQualification no Represents how certain modules should be imported. This can be thought of as a map of module name to a list of ways that module may be imported.
maximumExportsPlusHeaderUndocumented non-negative integer no Maximum number of exported items, along with the module header, from a module that may be missing Haddock documentation.
minimumExportsPlusHeaderDocumented non-negative integer no Minimum number of exported items, along with the module header, from a module that must have Haddock documentation.
maximumExportsWithoutSince non-negative integer no Maximum number of exported items from a module that can be lacking the @since annotation in their Haddock.
minimumExportsWithSince non-negative integer no Minimum number of exported items from a module that must have in their Haddock the @since annotation.
moduleHeaderCopyrightMustExistNonEmpty boolean no If the Haddock module header field of Copyright must be populated.
moduleHeaderDescriptionMustExistNonEmpty boolean no If the Haddock module header field of Description must be populated.
moduleHeaderLicenseMustExistNonEmpty boolean no If the Haddock module header field of License must be populated.
moduleHeaderMaintainerMustExistNonEmpty boolean no If the Haddock module header field of Maintainer must be populated.
rulesToIgnore RulesToIgnore no Specifies what, if any, rules should be ignored for the given module.


Henforcer supports a limited form of using patterns to match rules against multiple modules, but not any module in a more concise way.

forPatternModules is an array of TOML tables. Effectively this is a map keyed by the pattern field.

Important items to note:

  • When determining which version of a rule to pick the definition in forSpecifiedModules is most preferred, followed by forPatternModules and finally forAnyModule.
  • If there are overlapping pattern keys in forPatternModules the first specified in the TOML will be chosen.
  • Patterns use * and **. * can be used to match up to the module separator ., where ** matches across the . separator.
fieldName type required description
pattern string with wildcard yes module is a string, with wildcard support, of the module name the rules described here will apply to.
allowedAliasUniqueness AllowedAliasUniqueness no Specifies either that all aliases in the module being compiled are unique except for some, or that a given set of aliases is unique but others may be duplicated.
allowedOpenUnaliasedImports non-negative int no Specifies how many imports are allowed to be done without using the qualified keyword, or using an alias
allowedQualifications array of AllowedQualification no Represents how certain modules should be imported. This can be thought of as a map of module name to a list of ways that module may be imported.
maximumExportsPlusHeaderUndocumented non-negative integer no Maximum number of exported items, along with the module header, from a module that may be missing Haddock documentation.
minimumExportsPlusHeaderDocumented non-negative integer no Minimum number of exported items, along with the module header, from a module that must have Haddock documentation.
maximumExportsWithoutSince non-negative integer no Maximum number of exported items from a module that can be lacking the @since annotation in their Haddock.
minimumExportsWithSince non-negative integer no Minimum number of exported items from a module that must have in their Haddock the @since annotation.
moduleHeaderCopyrightMustExistNonEmpty boolean no If the Haddock module header field of Copyright must be populated.
moduleHeaderDescriptionMustExistNonEmpty boolean no If the Haddock module header field of Description must be populated.
moduleHeaderLicenseMustExistNonEmpty boolean no If the Haddock module header field of License must be populated.
moduleHeaderMaintainerMustExistNonEmpty boolean no If the Haddock module header field of Maintainer must be populated.
rulesToIgnore RulesToIgnore no Specifies what, if any, rules should be ignored for the given module.

Shared types

Below are the reused definitions between some combination of the forAnyModule, forSpecifiedModules and forPatternModules rules.


This is allowed to take two forms that are both TOML tables.

First Form

This form states that all aliases in a module must be unique with an allow list for those aliases that may be repeated.

fieldName type required description
allAliasesUniqueExcept array of string yes Aliases that are allowed to be repeated.
note string no User defined message to be displayed with errors for additional context.
Second Form

This form states that aliases in a module may repeat with a block list for those aliases that must be unique.

fieldName type required description
uniqueAliases array of string yes Aliases that must be unique.
note string no User defined message to be displayed with errors for additional context.


fieldName type required description
module string yes module is a string of the module name.
importScheme array of ImportScheme yes The list of specifications for each way that the given module may imported.


fieldName type required description
qualified Qualified yes Description of ways the import can be qualified, or not.
alias string no Controls if and what alias can be used as part of an import scheme. This is the part of an import that comes after the as keyword, such as "Foo" in import UnliftIO as Foo.
packageQualified string no Controls if and what package qualifier should be used. Most users are not expected to need this option.
safe boolean no Controls if the import is required to use the safe keyword. Most users are not expected to need this option.
note string no User defined message to be displayed with errors for additional context.


fieldName type required description
qualifiedPre boolean no Describes if import can be qualified prepositive like import qualified UnliftIO.
qualifiedPost boolean no Describes if import can be qualified postpositive like import UnliftIO qualified.
unqualified boolean no Describes if import can be unqualified like import UnliftIO.


fieldName type required description
moduleTree string yes The tree which depends on others.
dependencies array of string yes The trees which are depended upon.
note string no User defined message to be displayed with errors for additional context.


This is allowed to take two forms that are both TOML tables.

First form
fieldName type required description
all boolean no Controls if all rules should be ignored.
Second form
fieldName type required description
allowedAliasUniqueness boolean no Controls if the rule should be ignored.
allowedOpenUnaliasedImports boolean no Controls if the rule should be ignored.
allowedQualifications boolean no Controls if the rule should be ignored.
encapsulatedTrees boolean no Controls if the rule should be ignored.
maximumExportsPlusHeaderUndocumented boolean no Controls if the rule should be ignored.
minimumExportsPlusHeaderDocumented boolean no Controls if the rule should be ignored.
maximumExportsWithoutSince boolean no Controls if the rule should be ignored.
minimumExportsWithSince boolean no Controls if the rule should be ignored.
moduleHeaderCopyrightMustExistNonEmpty boolean no Controls if the rule should be ignored.
moduleHeaderDescriptionMustExistNonEmpty boolean no Controls if the rule should be ignored.
moduleHeaderLicenseMustExistNonEmpty boolean no Controls if the rule should be ignored.
moduleHeaderMaintainerMustExistNonEmpty boolean no Controls if the rule should be ignored.
treeDependencies boolean no Controls if the rule should be ignored.