This repository corresponds to the paper: Domain Adaptation for Staff-Region Retrieval of Music Score Images, published in the journal 'International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition' (2022).
Please, cite the following work for any use of the code or for a reference to the published work:
author={Castellanos, Francisco J. and Gallego, Antonio Javier and Calvo-Zaragoza, Jorge and Fujinaga, Ichiro},
title={Domain adaptation for staff-region retrieval of music score images},
journal={International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR)},
To use the program, there are a series of parameters to be configured. There are two manners of using the code: by python command through console or by the included in this repository.
By using the file. Next we define the different parameters available. Note that data used for this code was extracted from MuReT tool. Note that the corpora contain json files with the ground-truth information and the images.
-type : Execution mode: cnn for supervised model (Selectional Auto-encoder) and dann for our proposal.
-gpu : GPU index. It is possible to change the gpu used for the process if more GPUs are available. Default: 0
-db1_name : name of the source domain. This is used for logs.
-db2_name : name of the target domain. This is used for logs.
-db1_train : path to a txt file with the list of paths to the json files to be used for training. For the source domain.
-db1_val : path to a txt file with the list of paths to the json files to be used for validation. For the source domain.
-db1_test : path to a txt file with the list of paths to the json files to be used for testing. For the source domain.
-db2_train : path to a txt file with the list of paths to the json files to be used for training. For the target domain.
-db2_val : path to a txt file with the list of paths to the json files to be used for validation. For the target domain.
-db2_test : path to a txt file with the list of paths to the json files to be used for testing. For the target domain.
-classes : list of names of the region types considered for the experimentation. This code uses the data configuration provided by the [MuReT tool] Default: "staff" "empty-staff".
-w : size of the resized image. Default: 512 px (squared).
-l : Number of convolutional blocks for the encoder and the decoder. Default: 3
-f : Number of filters. Default: 32
-k : Kernel size. Default: 3
-l : To configure a dropout ratio. Default: 0
-lda : Initial value for lambda in the DANN type. Default: 0.01
-lda_inc : Value to increment lambda each epoch. Default: 0.001
-e : Maximum number of epochs. Default: 300
-b : Batch size. Default: 12
-se : Number of superepochs. Default: 1
-gpos : Position of the GRL connection. Value 0 is the latent code (center of the SAE), negative positions are in the encoder and positive positions in the decoder.. Default: 2
-opt : Optimizer. Default: sgd
-pre : Number of epochs to pretrain the model with only the source domain. Default: 50
-th_iou : In test mode, the IoU minimum to consider the prediction as True Positive. Default: 0.5
-th : Threshold used for determine the belonging of each pixel to a region accordint to the probability provided by the model. Default: 0.5
--test: Optional parameter. When it is used, the code used the models to evaluate the test partitions. \
python -u
-type dann
-gpu 0
-db1_name Guatemala
-db1_train datasets/JSON/Folds/Guatemala/fold0/train.txt
-db1_val datasets/JSON/Folds/Guatemala/fold0/val.txt
-db1_test datasets/JSON/Folds/Guatemala/fold0/test.txt
-db2_name b-59-850
-db2_train datasets/JSON/Folds/b-59-850/fold0/train.txt
-db2_val datasets/JSON/Folds/b-59-850/fold0/val.txt
-db2_test datasets/JSON/Folds/b-59-850/fold0/test.txt
-classes staff empty-staff
-w 512
-l 3 -f 32 -k 3 -drop 0
-lda 0.01
-lda_inc 0.001
-e 300 -se 1 -b 12
-gpos 2
-opt sgd
-pre 50
-th_iou 0.5
-th 0.5
The file contains the call to the code with the parameters mentioned before. It is possible to modify the parameters to try with different variations according to the requirements.
First modifying the parameters if it is necessary within and then running the script:
The program is prepared to keep the same name for images and ground-truth json files for matching them. Corpora tested with this program was extracted from MuReT tool, including the json files and the images.
Note that the data is given by txt files with lists of the path files to be used in the experiments. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare these files to be able to use the program.
In our case, the datasets were organized as follows:
├── JSON
│ ├── Folds
| | ├── b-59-850
| | | ├── fold0
| | | | ├── train.txt
| | | | ├── val.txt
| | | | └── test.txt
| | | └── fold1
| | | ├── train.txt
| | | ├── val.txt
| | | └── test.txt
| | └── Patriarca
| | ├── fold0
| | | ├── train.txt
| | | ├── val.txt
| | | └── test.txt
| | └── fold1
| | ├── train.txt
| | ├── val.txt
| | └── test.txt
| ├── b-59-850
| | ├── image1.jpg.json
| | └── image2.jpg.json
| ├── Patriarca
| | ├── image1.jpg.json
| | └── image2.jpg.json
└── SRC
├── b-59-850
| ├── image1.jpg
| └── image2.jpg
└── Patriarca
├── image1.jpg
└── image2.jpg