Solve Analysis problems or Decision making problems by providing LKR.
First, initialize the knowledge:
val driverKnowledge = knowledge {
variables {
create(1, "speed is over 180 kmh")
create(2, "there is danger")
create(3, "speed is over 130 kmh")
create(4, "driver gets a ticket")
create(5, "engine is 75 hp")
create(6, "there are 6 people in car")
inputs(1, 3)
outputs(2, 4)
facts {
fact { 1 implies 2 }
fact { 3 implies 4 }
fact { 1 implies 3 }
fact { 5 implies !1 }
fact { 6 implies !1 }
Then you can decompose it, providing F_u = !⍺1
val ap = AnalysisProblem(driverKnowledge) { !ref(1) }
val decomposed = ap.decompose()
decomposed.forEachIndexed { index, layer ->
if (layer.facts.isNotEmpty()) {
println("F$index=(${ { it.identifier }.joinToString(",")})")
println("⍺$index=(${ { it.identifier }.joinToString(",")})")
which produces (99 is the ID of F_u
Or you could solve it:
lateinit var solution: Expr
val time = measureTimeMillis {
solution = ap.solve()
println("Took $time ms")
which produces:
(((¬⍺2 ∧ ¬⍺4) ∨ (⍺2 ∧ ¬⍺4)) ∨ (¬⍺2 ∧ ⍺4)) ∨ (⍺2 ∧ ⍺4)
Took 26 ms
Discover patterns and rules by providing desired minimum support and confidence.
Let's initialize the knowledge, having 7 rows, each with 3 attributes:
val knowledge = Knowledge(
Then we could get the patterns of degree 1:
val patterns = knowledge.getSimplePatterns()
[1, _, _]
[2, _, _]
[3, _, _]
[_, 0, _]
[_, 1, _]
[_, 2, _]
[_, 3, _]
[_, _, 0]
[_, _, 1]
Or we could discover patterns that satisfy minimum support:
val patterns = knowledge.discoverProperties(support = 2/7.0).sortedBy(knowledge::supportFor)
[2, 1, 1]
[2, 1, _]
[2, _, 1]
[_, 1, 1]
[2, _, 0]
Finally, we could discover rules satisfying minimum support and confidence:
val rules = knowledge.discoverRules(support = 2/7.0, confidence = 1.0).sortedBy(knowledge::liftFor)
println("Found ${rules.size} rules")
rules.forEach { println("$it (s = ${"%.2f".format(knowledge.supportFor(it))}, c = ${"%.2f".format(knowledge.confidenceFor(it))}, l = ${"%.2f".format(knowledge.liftFor(it))})") }
Found 7 rules
x(1)=1 ∧ x(2)=1 ⇒ x(0)=2 (s = 0.29, c = 1.00, l = 1.40)
x(1)=1 ⇒ x(0)=2 (s = 0.29, c = 1.00, l = 1.40)
x(2)=0 ⇒ x(0)=2 (s = 0.43, c = 1.00, l = 1.40)
x(0)=2 ∧ x(1)=1 ⇒ x(2)=1 (s = 0.29, c = 1.00, l = 1.75)
x(1)=1 ⇒ x(2)=1 (s = 0.29, c = 1.00, l = 1.75)
x(1)=1 ⇒ x(2)=1 ∧ x(0)=2 (s = 0.29, c = 1.00, l = 3.50)
x(2)=1 ∧ x(0)=2 ⇒ x(1)=1 (s = 0.29, c = 1.00, l = 3.50)