Card Game Simulator (CGS) follows this FinolDigital.Cgs.Json
This specification primarily includes information on sets of cards and a definition of what properties those cards have.
Ancillary information can include decks and boards to use with the game.
See below for the full specification.
Games are created with a new folder within the persistent games data directory. The location of this persistent data directory varies depending on platform. Some examples include:
- Android: /Data/Data/com.finoldigital.cardgamesim/files/games/
- Mac: ~/Library/Containers/com.finoldigital.CardGameSimulator/Data/Library/Application Support/com.finoldigital.CardGameSimulator/games
- Windows (Steam): C:\Users\<user>\AppData\LocalLow\Finol Digital LLC\Card Game Simulator\games
- Windows UWP (Microsoft Store): C:\Users\<user >\AppData\Local\Packages\FinolDigitalLLC.CardGameSimulator_499qk536pdy94\LocalState\games
The structure of this custom game folder is:
- Game:Id/
- cgs.json
- AllCards.json
- AllDecks.json
- AllSets.json
- Banner.<bannerImageFileType>
- CardBack.<cardBackImageFileType>
- PlayMat.<playMatImageFileType>
- backs/
- Card:Id.<cardBackImageFileType>
- boards/
- GameBoard:Id.<gameBoardFileType>
- ...
- decks/
- Deck:Name.<deckFileType>
- ...
- sets/
- Set:Code/
- Card:Id.<cardImageFileType>
- ...
- ...
- Set:Code/
The GGS AutoUpdate Url that is used to download a card game is actually a pointer to the cgs.json
CGS generates the rest of the folder structure based off that file.
You can create your own json and validate against these schema:
The default examples can be found in the CGS GitHub Repository.
Further examples can be found in the CGS Google Drive folder.